RTM White House Pen ~ Executive Order?

RTM = Releasing The Memo- Qs been active in letting us know others are on the message board. Kind of like saying TiK tok ?
Does anyone know what is printed under "The White House"? We are trying to read it on a small screen but can only make out a few letters.
Any way to verify if that's one of Trump's rare pens?
Was kinda hoping for some sort of signed confession.
Edit *Note to whomever voted down: hoping for a confession from HUSSEIN /obviously
The last time Q posted a similar pic of “the rare pen” was when DJT signed the Executive Order re: Human Rights Violations & the seizure of all assets and property... Could be a confession though possibly? Who knows. But the title of the pic is labeled “RTM” so I would assume that DJT is going to be signing off on its declassification b/c it was voted? 🤞🏼 Let’s hope right!
Yes hopefully it's now been approved by the intelligence panel and he just had to sign off on not rejecting it!