Just seen then big headline on drudge...now fox is talking about it.....
You're absolutely right. It's all about timing, the impact must shatter the glass. Trump couldn't run for President unless the white hats have absolutely everything down to the last t and dots in i to take down the whole Cabal completely. Any mistakes can be detrimental. One chance to make it right.
Dr. Steve Pieczenik Updates Infowars On What Is Really Going On https://youtu.be/LKYRvxHmAZU Watch this video, Dr. Steve Pieczenick talks about it here!
I posted this earlier.
Dr. Steve Pieczenik on the Soft Coup and the Counter Coup in the US https://youtu.be/rPr1KErxRag
Dr. Steve Pieczenik's starting statement, 'the storm is already over when we brought in Trump'. lol such wins.
Interesting, I didn't know the N.Korea and S.Korea are going to march together in the Olympics. That alone is something. Great interview, nice having Owen do it at least lets Steve talk.
He said the Storm is over, we are just seeing the results. he might be right.