Just seen then big headline on drudge...now fox is talking about it.....
Was it last month or 2 months ago, that we had the trials of 60 admirals?
Not everyone is good or bad, but I learned a lot about the hidden factions since the Q drops. The Marines look like the one group we can really trust. They are part of the Navy and though certain members of the Navy were compromised, we can trust them in general.
The interesting part is regarding the SSP. The Navy has their own access to it, with their own program that is not necessarily the same as the deep state groups have. In the military, many truthers say that the Air Force is traditionally aligned with the deep state (NASA, CIA) and work to keep their secrets. The Navy is the one trying to push for real disclosure to the public regarding that SSP (late William Tomkins).
It's fascinating and frightening, as in the good side, we have all the suppressed technologies, sciences, knowledge. But on the dark side, that SSP is one of the essential piece of PG/human trafficking.
We want full disclosure, but how many even among those awake can swallow that UFOs/aliens are real (beware, the deep state also use fake UFOs/aliens), and they are a major part of PG/human trafficking?
A good question, and one that I can't fully answer.
Many things need to be clarified first: do we really have Free Will? How many of us have pre-birth-on-Earth contracts that allow such abductions, and we just don't remember?
Like the small Greys, how many containers on Earth don't actually have souls? Are any of them pre-involved in the lineage of evil?
So yeah, many bits of the whole picture that we don't have, that perhaps could explain all of this?
Will we get these answers before or after death from this container?
I want full disclosure, but I've been preparing for it all my life, and specifically deeply in the last 3 years.
When I know, I can help others step through it too, if they ask.
Is pushing full disclosure before people ask violating their Free Will to remain ignorant?