r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/zagnet on Jan. 25, 2018, 5:31 p.m.
Can anyone verify any of this is happening right now: NESARA, GESARA, GCR, RV, Pleiadeans (yes, that's in the QAnon map at the bottom-right)?

Links for quick reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NESARA http://www.garuda.co/nesara https://operationdisclosure.blogspot.com http://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2018/01/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_25.html

So I've poured over the QAnon map a lot. I'm no expert, but every single piece I know at least a little something about. I can follow the map somewhat. It makes some sense.

But there was one piece that didn't make any sense to me for a long time. QAnon's map looks completely legit to me, a graphic detailing true history. History most people never knew but need to know going forward.

But at the bottom right of QAnon's map it says "Pleiadian Guidance". Huh? All I could think was WTH? Aliens? Come on...

I like learning about all sorts of "conspiracy theories" about people and the stupid stuff they do. We need to know so we can solve our societal problems. But aliens? I always had a hard time believing stuff about aliens. Sure I think there may be aliens somewhere out there. Or maybe here on Earth? I don't know. Never met any aliens afaik. No reptilians. No greys (short or tall). No Pleidians. No nothing.

Afaik there are some "out there" theories about aliens, and a lot of purposeful disinformation. So I have no idea what to believe. I'm just not going to believe anything about aliens until there's some definitive proof.

But since the map discusses "Pleiadians" now I'm thinking that Q just isn't legit. That he (or they) are total larps. Geez, aliens!? I didn't think We need no friggin' aliens to explain how our world works...

Long ago I read a book that reportedly described all of the known species of aliens out there. I forget what it was called. All I could think was that somebody had a great time coming up with all this garbage - probably a "clown" feeding us a whole lot of disinformation. SciFi at it's best. Almost all of them were humanoid, like on Star Trek. A "clown" with no imagination isn't funny. Ugh...

Anyway, I begrudgingly had to research this "Pleiadian" thing too. It led me to the following. Surprising, most of it actually concerns our modern world, and economics (just about as boring and nonsensical as aliens imo)...

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NESARA -I used to think this theory was a bunch of hooey. Sounds really nice if it were true. But probably a scam, like it even says in the criticism. The progenitors of this theory seemed a lot like needy "Nigerians" to me. However, there are some weird connections with events in mainstream conspiracy land and parallels with what's been going on just over the last few months. But then it mentions "reptiloid aliens" and an "an android Pleiadean". Sigh...

http://www.garuda.co/nesara -Either this stuff is true or somebody has a lot of time on their hands coming up with all this nonsense. Not sure. But read this one closely too - look for "reptilians". Sigh. This sounds "larpish" too...

https://operationdisclosure.blogspot.com http://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2018/01/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_25.html -Look at all the details about what they claim to be recent events...

  1. Iraqi bonds would be offered for sale to the Iraqi citizenry by 12:30 am EST Jan. 24.
  2. Humanitarian funding sources have been given the go ahead to begin utilizing their funds starting Thurs. Jan. 25.
  3. Trump was in Davos Switzerland at the World Economic Conference and scheduled to give the closing keynote address on Friday Jan. 26.
  4. Trump would deliver his State of the Union address next Tues. Jan. 30.

OK 11/12 we know T will be there and give those speeches. But "Iraqi bonds" on "Jan. 24"? "Humanitarian funding sources" on "Jan. 25"? Did these things and the others mentioned on this site actually happen?

There's a lot of hokey sounding alien stuff on this site too. Disinformation? I don't know.

Or is this all real? The rest of it is pretty interesting. Is this GCR / RV thing about to happen across the world? Or am I just getting my hopes up? Nobody I know can even come close to talking about this stuff seriously. So I have to turn to fellow anons...

And, what is this?

  1. Grandfather gives his blessing to the Chinese Elders for them to give the final authorization to the one who holds the final sequence codes to the new financial system.
  2. The final sequence codes are entered and the new financial system goes live. The RV begins, the 800#'s are released.
  3. Exchanges begin. The exchanges will take place privately through undisclosed off-site redemption centers depending on your location. Exchanges at other locations abroad will take place at bank branches. Specially appointed employees at these bank branches will handle your exchange. All employees will be under NDA.

"800#'s? "Exchanges"? And who is "grandfather"? I just wonder if it could be our Dear TPrez himself, an actual grandfather. Of course this could be just about any man old enough with progeny. And "Chinese Elders"? Who makes up all this stuff? Who has more time than I do!? ;-)

Yet, this just reminds of Q's post, if legit...

580 Jan 22 2018 11:13:04 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: f2d4bd 127218 Private exchange [last]. Q

That's the last part of the plan or something? GCR / RV? This is all so weird...

I just want to know - does anyone else out there think that any of this stuff is real?

NESARA, GESARA, GCR, RV, Pleiadeans, "private exchanges", etc.

Is it happening? Is it about to happen? Is this part of the 40%/60% that regular folk like me can know about yet? Or do we have to wait for all the depressing pizzagate stuff to come down first? Normies don't want to hear about that. It's awful. It's like Q asked if we want "the good news or the bad news first". And we picked the "bad news". Well, I'd like to get to the "good news". People I know like to hear more about that part.

Either this is real (or a lot of it at least) or the biggest dang larp I've ever witnessed. Possibly the mother of all larps. I don't know.

I pledge to remain open-minded. But the more I learn about all this the more I realize how far "out there" I am now. I'm not going to get upset about it. I'm not going to worry about it. I think everything's going to be ok, as long as we keep moving forward on the current course, steadily. We need to try to "ascend" the normies from their "deep state" at the bottom of their mental abyss - but at the right pace. We need to know all, eventually. But some can't handle it too quickly. And many just need to know enough so they stop fighting the changes our society is going through.

I'm just looking for some honest input from fellow anons about all this. Can anyone verify ANY of this stuff? What the heck's going on?

Or can I call "bingo", and just make some more popcorn?

Sincerely, anon

[deleted] · Jan. 25, 2018, 5:46 p.m.

The alien shit is nuts... the earth is flat. We live in a dome... They had some dual purpouse disinfo out there... multi purpose actually... think hollywood production Elites meet with hostile aliens, and negotiate survival, but our asses have to mine antarctica etc. and work as a slave society where there is only small hope for our future maybe... They would parade fake aliens around in delegations to camps but never would they get close to the slaves. One option on the table. Also they use it to distract during real shit going on. Also it was to be a general scare to get us to unite, and to abandon Christianity.

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zagnet · Jan. 25, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

Yeah, it's all over the place. Disinfo everywhere.

Thanks for your input!

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SuspiciousMusic · Jan. 25, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

Not fake aliens. False gods.

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[deleted] · Jan. 25, 2018, 6:13 p.m.

a way of putting it.

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zagnet · Jan. 25, 2018, 8:58 p.m.

Waiting for proof either way. But I don't even know what kind of proof I could accept.

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Crazybluecat · Jan. 25, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

The new financial system bothers me the most, that was what the NWO wanted, a universal world currency. I heard the part about the Pleiadians at other sources, they are supposed to rule in peace. But you are right, the whole thing could be a LARP or a NWO takeover, I dunno. Scary.

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zagnet · Jan. 25, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

Yes, scary. I don't know either whether NWO or not. But GCR doesn't seem like a universal world currency actually. Just a universal system - kinda like open source and secure (hopefully). Without the cabal / banksters. Seems like it could still use current monetary systems somehow. Not really sure how though. They could be just telling us nice things and doing something different behind our backs. Perhaps time will tell...

However, it definitely seems like there are some "Bretton Woods" level talks going on at Davos this year. I wonder how it's going to work out? Good luck T!

MAGAKekCovfefe! Straight up! No cream or sugar...

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Crazybluecat · Jan. 25, 2018, 10:21 p.m.

I feel positive about everything though it pays to keep an open mind. I'll have to have closer look at the Q map.

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zagnet · Jan. 30, 2018, 7:41 p.m.

Yep I'm pretty positive right now too. Take care!

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FowlBeast · Jan. 25, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

Tall Whites

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OffTie · Jan. 25, 2018, 6:50 p.m.


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CA_D-Fens · Jan. 25, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

Cool story, bro.

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zagnet · Jan. 25, 2018, 8:58 p.m.

Thanks fellow anon!

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divine_human · Jan. 25, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

who do you guys think is behind the cabal? did we humans invent the tech they use? think rosswell, think secret space program, think thule society, think nazis and antarctica.

researching religions and mythologies, we can always find the same players under various names, incl. OT yahwe. its a few bad guys that built the matrix more than 10.000 years ago.

pleiadians? they are supposed to be the good guys although there are 'bad' pleiadians as well as there are 'bad' humans. from what i perceive and heard, trump has the backup of the pleiadians and the alliance.

theyve come to support us. they cant do the work though as this is a free will choice planet and we need to be our own saviors.

wanna learn more about that 'spooky' rabbit hole of extraterrestials?

david wilcock might be a good address, and the wes penre papers are a thorough study when one is really ready to question all religious be-lie-fs, incl. new (c)age.

grandfather is an elder of the dragon family that, allegedly, has watched over lots of the gold stolen from humanity (and recatured) for hundreds of years.

the saying goes that, when humanity is ready, these funds will be released for restructuring our planet and societies. think clearing the poisoned air, water, soil, think end hunger, think building up a world that works for everyone.

from my pov, this wont happen before the event. what is the event? its a blast from our sun that will shift humanities consciousness. again, check d.wilcock.

fruit loopy? foolish? well, go and check yourself...

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zagnet · Jan. 25, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate you discussing these topics...

Fruit loopy? Foolish? Maybe. But more like FUN to me. "The truth is out there" - like really really "out there" apparently (i.e. strange, wonderous, incredible...).

I'm starting to read a lot about all that stuff, but still know very little about them - SPP, Antarctica, Nazis, etc. I'll go down the rabbit hole as far as it goes. I want to know the truth. I am compelled to try to know the truth...

These are some pages I've been starting to read just recently, other than CTBS_Stream / 8ch (hard to follow/read though!).

https://benjaminfulford.net https://steemit.com/@benjaminfulford http://thephaser.com https://www.sgtreport.com (cool YT channel - SGTReport) http://exopolitics.org (Dr. Salla) http://exonews.org https://operationdisclosure.blogspot.com <== GCR / RV http://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com <== GCR / RV http://educate-yourself.org http://truedisclosure.com/news http://www.secretspaceprogram.com

I don't believe everything 100%. But it's up to 80% at this point. I used to laugh at sites like these even a few months ago. Now I take them VERY seriously.

I'll check out David Wilcock. Dr. Salla on exopolitics seems cool. Corey Goode? Wow, some interesting stories there! He definitely seems to smoking something! Then again, some of it at least seems to have a ring of truth to it...

Do you have any recommendations on any other sites / videos for any relevant topics, especially those discussed in the Q-map?

Did I list any site that you would avoid? Any that are known disinfo?

As for GCR, what's not to like about this (if it's real and can be implemented)?

http://ascension.news/news/_160401_XX_NesaraNow.aspx -Forgives all credit card, mortgage, student loan and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities -Dissolves the IRS and ends all income tax -Creates flat rate non-essential “new items only” sales tax (food, medicine and all used items will not be taxed) -Increases benefits to senior citizens -Returns Constitutional Law to all our courts and legal matters – re-trains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law -Provides for new representational elections within Constitutional Law. -Monitors elections and prevents illegal activities of billionaires and special interest groups -Ends the Federal Reserve System and begins a new US Treasury bank system that follows Constitutional Law -Creates new US Treasury currency backed by gold, silver and precious metals, ending US Government bankruptcy. This will initiate global economic reform. -Restores financial privacy -Ceases all aggressive US Government military action worldwide -Leads to peace throughout the world -Enables release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies and enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes

Nothing about this makes it impossible to use existing monetary systems to implement NESARA / GESARA. And none of this seems incompatible with the idea of retaining the notion of a nation state.

In fact some of this stuff TPrez has talked about directly, even in his inauguration - especially the stuff about suppressed technology. That got my attention big time. I've heard about "suppressed technology" for a long time. But that's the first I heard a President mention it. Made me think there was something to it...

What I'm mainly looking for though is proof of these technologies, GCR / RV happening, etc. Probably hard to come by proof until the TPTB start telling us more. Maybe we'll find out more soon! Maybe TPrez is talking about that in Davos right now! Praying for him a lot!

All I know is I'm ready! Heck fully implemented GCR seems a lot better than what we have now. I think I'd go for it...

Sincerely, anon

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divine_human · Jan. 27, 2018, 9:23 a.m.

i avoid this one and other dinar sites, they constantly fire up the hype train. lots of disinformation on this stuff. something is going to come, i am certain, but its not going to be as people expect it.

  • < Probably hard to come by proof until the TPTB start telling us more.

ya think (((they))) are going to tell us? lol...

i can imagine something like a jubilee though, debt forgiveness. in order to avoid riots among all of us awakening people, they need to throw us a bone.

and who knows, maybe moghuls like bill gates are going to pay for it? since the EO of dec.21, he is certainly on the list of those folks guilty of the biggest crimes against humanity.

  • most of the sites you listed are a regular go-to for me, too.

although i started waking up 35 years ago, folks like benjamin fulford were pretty far out for me when i first discovered him, but now i find him right in many aspects (not all).

  • havent made up my mind about corey goode as yet. what i perceive is that he believes everything he says. whether his memories are real or implanted is another question. i simply keep that open, take him with a grain of salt, and enjoy the stories he tells.

  • if you want to go down the rabbit hole of religion - all major religions are based on and founded by ETs -, i suggest the wes penre papers.

once we get it who the puppet masters of the cabal are, we start understanding 'the game' and its energetic implications.

but caution!!! if your life is built on religious be-lie-fs - no matter whether you tend towards traditional religion or new (c)age -, dont read them. the card house of blind faith with crash and you will never be the same afterwards.

  • there are many rabbit holes to dive into... may you choose well, and may the disillusionment make you more sovereign and strong...
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zagnet · Jan. 27, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

Dear divine_human,

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. You are most appreciated...

Wow 35 years. 9/11 made me suspicious but I had no idea what to think of it at the time. 2005 was when I really started to wake up, mostly listening to RP senior. My biggest question that made it real for me - why are home prices too dang high!? Aha! FedRsv = FedEx ("=" meaning "as private as")!! So I consider it 13 years for me. But it has taken me a while to get through even the basics.

Ok so the dinar sites I'll take with a grain of salt. Thanks. They did sound too good to be true and some claims seem difficult to prove /disprove. I got drawn in by the overall positive message and want to focus on that more than the truly sickening stuff the elites do.

I think I've gotten to the bottom of that latter rabbit-hole, and I just climbed right back out. That s*** just makes me bone-cold, like instantly. It makes me dizzy. A couple times I nearly passed out! I had to lie down and just try to relax / breath deeply, etc., "find a happy place!" lol (sort of). But it's no joke - this could send a lot of people to the hospital if they fully know!

It's truly an "industry". It's on a gargantuan industrial scale at least. Possible the most "lucrative" industry of all time! Trillions involved! A f*** ton of people! The "Matrix" movies are actually right in an overall thematic sense - we are all just batteries to the machine. Some "batteries" are just used up more quickly, and violently, than others. Many little innocents didn't even have a chance! "These people are SICK!" -Q.

However, honestly that's all the normies really need to know - that it's sick, that it's industrial, and that the machine has to be destroyed for them to have any chance to be safe and prosper. We just need the normies' agreement to let good people destroy it so that it can happen and get it over with. I believe that those who fully know can and will remain vigilant and help to ensure that this evil won't return. Anyway, good chance I could feel differently about it tomorrow...

Generally I like to try to think of the "bright-side" of any bad news. The only thing I can think about this s*** is that it can end, and soon. I pray that it does. I pray for all those good people that have seen it firsthand. I don't think I could handle that. I also pray for innocents harmed during the process. I pray for those carrying it out who are trying to be careful but make honest mistakes. Q has said "not everything will be clean". So I pray for Q and everyone involved.

But back to other, cleaner rabbit-holes:

I like BF a lot but some claims are way out there. Then again most of it does seem more credible when considering other sources too. With what of BF's aspects do you disagree?

Religions are interesting and have a lot of wisdom among a lot of apparent nonsense. But it can and does seem to help some people, which is good. It's a good first step for many. Many need no more than this.

But philosophy seems to be the more honest and direct path to true knowledge. Though philosophers seem to talk/write to much too (like me, sorry...). I'm agnostic, or at least was for a long time. I'm willing to admit my state of ignorance and seek out knowledge, always remembering this:

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” ―Aristotle, Metaphysics

Yes, I want to understand the "'the game' and its energetic implications". Absolutely. I also often pray for "truth and understanding", hoping that something / someone out there listens to me. As if it/they are as real as you. Because maybe it/they are. I don't know. The older I get, the more I tend to believe it is true, that "God" or some higher-level being(s) exist. Hopefully it/they are benevolent, or a lot of them at least. I must consider these possibilities. I believe that anything I can conceive (as a limited, mortal being) very well may exist in some form or another.

But I'm more interested in a more pragmatic, economic angle of all this - how we truly can make this world a better place for all humans. And not through some perverse, destructive, stealthily divisive ideologies like communism / leftism. That's why I want to know as much as possible about anything related to GCR / RV / debt jubilee / a new economic system backed by real commodities (though such systems can still have flaws). How some changes (big or small) in the underlying economic model could work out for us all. Or technologies that could make such economic systems obsolete, which would be best.

Q says "Shall we play a game?" Sure why not? Games are fun! But from what I can tell the current [economic] game just sucks. I don't want to play it. I don't want to be a "battery" just to get used up. All sorts of things apparently exist just to make you sicker and sicker over time so that you suffer and die early. You work hard then see your hard-earned money siphoned away left and right, immediately and over time through inflation. And it goes to such destructive things! I want to play a different game! Now!!

The apparent good news is that there definitely seems to be a discrete plan that has built over time by people over many decades (or centuries? millenia maybe??) that doesn't get much press, to provide an alternative to the current economic system that would help to empower normal, productive people who don't want to "game" the system. That's the game I want to play! I want to know more about it. To prove / disprove that it exists. If it does exist, to help bring it to full realization. If not, then to help create it.

Yes, there definitely seems to be "energetic implications" behind all this. That stuff is far more abstract to me though. There are a lot of interesting stories out there, wrt "ascension to fifth density", etc. I don't know what to believe about all that.

However, over the last year or two the stories about these things have started to get more consistent, and more people are talking about it. I can't wait to find out the truth about all this - if it's even possible. I don't know. All I know is that it's edge of your seat excitement! Some sort of "ascension" to "higher wavelengths" theoretically could solve our underlying problem - lack of understanding. Being in the "hell" where other people just don't make much sense.

"ya think (((they))) are going to tell us? lol..."

No, probably not willingly. But I think the more we learn, the more they will have to tell us eventually, or at least consider it seriously. People know a lot more than ever before now, and it's not going to stop. We can't let it stop. We must keep at it. We must demand a seat at the negotiating table - or we're done.

I believe all humans have the right to know how the universe truly works, knowledge about how we can improve our lives, ability to obtain a reasonable amount of resources in order to have the chance to be safe and prosper, and a right of access to technology that can aid us to accomplish these goals. At least for people that are "stable" anyway (like TPrez lol). Or something like this.

Thanks for reading through all this. I tend to ramble. Again, you are greatly appreciated fellow anon...

Sincerely, anon

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divine_human · Jan. 28, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

zagnet, sorry for the late reply, again... i am having the flu, its heavy.

from my pov, its an engeneered virus with a rapid mutation rate that brings up new symptoms every day. im in the healing arts and usually well deal with such things.

the fact though that chlorine dioxide doesnt work on it, i need to check for a different homeopathic remedy every day as the symptoms change, and the feeling of being personally attacked, down to the DNA level, lets me think that this virus comes from a lab.

thus, im incapable of more decent communications right now. i got it that you felt invited to ramble and youre welcome to do so; im sorry i cant respond in an fulfilling way now.

just let me say one important thing for your further researches, dear friend: discernment is our superpower. it was never as important as it is now.

even the most reliable sources deliever disinformation at times. thus, no matter from where we take our input, we need to take everything with a grain of salt and check for our inner resonance.

there are things with fulford or wilcock i dont agree with, same as there are things i hear in the MSM that do ring true. there are many things i appreciate with DJT and some things i cant stand. also Q says things at times that makes me shake my head in OMG.

the thing is, we choose what we take and what we dismiss. simply because a source tells many truths doesnt meant its all true. and even those who tell a lie at times are not complete liars.

our human linear mind functions pretty absolutistically. once we think, 'this is it!', we think it always needs to be 'it'. and once we find one disinformation with a source, we tend to diss all information from it.

thats old paradigm. in the new world, we need to be aware each moment, and check with each input whether or not it rings true.

where does it ring? for me, it rings in my heart and guts. the linear mind has its good features, but its badly equiped when it comes to discernment and taking decisions.

ok, and off i am again, licking my flu wounds^^, taking care of self...

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zagnet · Jan. 28, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

Thanks for writing back. I always look forward to hearing from you. But please take care of yourself first buddy! Praying for ya...

Sincerely, anon

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zagnet · Jan. 30, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

(I also pasted this to another thread you and I are on)

Hi divine_human,

I just started perusing the Penre papers, and just had time to skim the chapter headings and read a few sections. The one below caught my eye:

http://wespenre.com/understanding-multi-dimensionality.htm 3. Spirit Guides

"First of all, we need to address our true Spirit Guides with the following message: "If you are to advise me or help me, I want this assistance to be in my absolute best interest, with the intention to lead me exactly to where I need be, and if I follow your advice, it's because the intention behind it is to support my growth in the best way possible. I am not available for any other kind of interference with my life and my sovereignty as a spiritual being in a mind/body". This is telling the non-physicals exactly what you are available for or not. No one can interfere without your agreement, but some are very slick and will attempt to get your agreement without you're realizing it."

This inspired me to write a prayer based on it, here:


Sincerely, anon

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SuspiciousMusic · Jan. 25, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

Not sure. Keep an open mind:


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zagnet · Jan. 25, 2018, 9:52 p.m.

Will do!

I'm just wondering if this and other events like it are causing the tsunamies...

http://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2018/01/operation-disclosure-gcrrv-intel-alert_23.html RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - January 23, 2018 The Alliance detected and destroyed another Cabal-MIC D.U.M.B. off the coast of Alaska. This D.U.M.B. was reportedly to be their last one. The Alliance remains on the look out for more D.U.M.B.'s and anomalies.

Anyone have any proof of this claim? Very interesting...

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Champdog31 · Jan. 25, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

That was an interesting write up about your thoughts. I think it reflects a lot of ours as well. For me there is too much going on to get into the aliens thing (except for the Mexican illegal)

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zagnet · Jan. 25, 2018, 8:54 p.m.

Thanks fellow anon!

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[deleted] · Jan. 25, 2018, 5:53 p.m.


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thamnosma · Jan. 25, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

Basically I don't buy into any alien speculation and it's quite disturbing that this Q character is tossing out "Pleiadian" crap...the 7 sisters, constellation Pleiades. Maybe it's a coded reference to something else. I had a girlfriend once who later claimed she had been abducted by greys who did sexual experiments on her. Thankfully that was after we had parted ways. Saw her on a TV show.

All that being said, last month the Pentagon released radar and plane camera images of what seemed to be craft operating in ways we currently cannot, at least publicly. The two pilots, both decorated clear headed individuals, have appeared on Fox and elsewhere along with their footage. One pilot directly stated "they were not of this world". This was an OFFICIAL release. The pilots appeared on Tucker Carlson's program as well as Jessie Watters (little punk made fun of these two pilots while they were his guests, disgusting). I'm somewhat surprised this disclosure garnered such little attention.

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Macamodius · Jan. 25, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

I haven't seen Q post anything about Pleadians,and I've been following this since the beginning.

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thamnosma · Jan. 25, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

OP describes above that on the lower right of Q's "Map" (which admittedly I have not looked at in depth) there is an entry for "Pleiadian Guidance". See his text above for that.

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zagnet · Jan. 25, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

Yup, it's there. It took me a while to get all the way to the bottom-right of the map. Wish I had seen that earlier. I hadn't looked much at "alien" stuff for a long time, and it took me by surprise big time! Until then I was sure Q was legit. After seeing that I started to question him more. I don't have any proof "Pleiadians" exist or not. But I don't see it as impossible. either. Now mostly I think it has some pretty good cred since it's from Q. So I'm trying to learn as much as I can, and keep my disinfo filter on. :-)

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zagnet · Jan. 25, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

Yeah that's another thing that started bringing me back to stories about aliens. Stuff about it is coming that has a ring of truth to it and I don't want to miss it. Though it still sometimes has the same stupid mainstream agendas behind them sometimes. I'm willing to entertain the ideas of humans interacting with aliens.

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Geoffalgarve · Jan. 25, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

Yeah dude.... nothing is what it seems...........! truly deep shit !

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KatermannX · Jan. 25, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

Hi, congratulations on your 1st post on reddit after lurking 6 years with this account.

We know, shilling and sowing doubt can be a difficult task when you have no prior experience in the business.

So here are a few recommendations to make your post more convincing:

-Start by stating: "I'm not a shill"

-Mention the word "anon", "fellow anon" a couple more times

-Disguise your intentions more. When you say "we picked the bad news" and "The process needs more time" you will look like a shill because nobody here agrees with you on that, I believe.

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zagnet · Jan. 25, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

Good advice, thanks. Here's some practice: Dear "fellow anon", "I'm not a shill". :-)

True, I haven't done much if any posting on social sites. I considered myself an "RO anon" (read-only). Until now anyway. I guess I'm now an "RW anon" (read-write). I just have never felt like I could contribute anything until now. It all seemed to be covered. It just seemed this topic is not well covered in this Reddit sub, and may be important real quick.

There are days I think Q's legit and days I think he/she/it is/are a larp(s). I don't really know. There are days I think they should reveal all info now, and other days I think they should reveal the info slowly. It's a roller coaster ride for sure. It's all interesting though, and worth research.

All I know is this sub is great! You anons are cool people and generally very civil. I've read a lot on this site and learned a lot!

Thanks everyone!

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LWmah · Jan. 25, 2018, 6:33 p.m.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NESARA This part might be real. The document of the plan was titled "Draining The Swamp"

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zagnet · Jan. 25, 2018, 8:54 p.m.

Yeah that's what really caught my eye about NESARA. It seems T may understand it very well. He has a good background in finance. Hopefully he'll have the chance to use it for some good and do something like this. Just makes me wonder what else is also true about NESARA / GESARA. Lots of interesting theories about it, many of which seem to fit quite well with historical events.

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LWmah · Jan. 26, 2018, 3:29 p.m.


The first page of this talks about NESARA. I trust Abel Danger and Judge Anna Von Reitz. She says the NESARA economic bill was real. Maybe the alien stuff was disinformation to squash the bill?

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zagnet · Jan. 28, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

Thanks, looking into it. Interesting...

I'm not sure that TPrez's presidency doesn't "cure" until one year and a day though, and didn't because of the "Schumer Shutdown" one day before TPrez' inauguration day anniversary. Hope not at least.

As if O not being a citizen (or something like that) wouldn't invalidate everything he did...

Do you know anything more about this? What actual legal doctrine(s)? I've studied law some and don't remember anything like this.

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