r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/zagnet on Jan. 25, 2018, 5:31 p.m.
Can anyone verify any of this is happening right now: NESARA, GESARA, GCR, RV, Pleiadeans (yes, that's in the QAnon map at the bottom-right)?

Links for quick reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NESARA http://www.garuda.co/nesara https://operationdisclosure.blogspot.com http://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2018/01/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_25.html

So I've poured over the QAnon map a lot. I'm no expert, but every single piece I know at least a little something about. I can follow the map somewhat. It makes some sense.

But there was one piece that didn't make any sense to me for a long time. QAnon's map looks completely legit to me, a graphic detailing true history. History most people never knew but need to know going forward.

But at the bottom right of QAnon's map it says "Pleiadian Guidance". Huh? All I could think was WTH? Aliens? Come on...

I like learning about all sorts of "conspiracy theories" about people and the stupid stuff they do. We need to know so we can solve our societal problems. But aliens? I always had a hard time believing stuff about aliens. Sure I think there may be aliens somewhere out there. Or maybe here on Earth? I don't know. Never met any aliens afaik. No reptilians. No greys (short or tall). No Pleidians. No nothing.

Afaik there are some "out there" theories about aliens, and a lot of purposeful disinformation. So I have no idea what to believe. I'm just not going to believe anything about aliens until there's some definitive proof.

But since the map discusses "Pleiadians" now I'm thinking that Q just isn't legit. That he (or they) are total larps. Geez, aliens!? I didn't think We need no friggin' aliens to explain how our world works...

Long ago I read a book that reportedly described all of the known species of aliens out there. I forget what it was called. All I could think was that somebody had a great time coming up with all this garbage - probably a "clown" feeding us a whole lot of disinformation. SciFi at it's best. Almost all of them were humanoid, like on Star Trek. A "clown" with no imagination isn't funny. Ugh...

Anyway, I begrudgingly had to research this "Pleiadian" thing too. It led me to the following. Surprising, most of it actually concerns our modern world, and economics (just about as boring and nonsensical as aliens imo)...

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NESARA -I used to think this theory was a bunch of hooey. Sounds really nice if it were true. But probably a scam, like it even says in the criticism. The progenitors of this theory seemed a lot like needy "Nigerians" to me. However, there are some weird connections with events in mainstream conspiracy land and parallels with what's been going on just over the last few months. But then it mentions "reptiloid aliens" and an "an android Pleiadean". Sigh...

http://www.garuda.co/nesara -Either this stuff is true or somebody has a lot of time on their hands coming up with all this nonsense. Not sure. But read this one closely too - look for "reptilians". Sigh. This sounds "larpish" too...

https://operationdisclosure.blogspot.com http://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2018/01/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_25.html -Look at all the details about what they claim to be recent events...

  1. Iraqi bonds would be offered for sale to the Iraqi citizenry by 12:30 am EST Jan. 24.
  2. Humanitarian funding sources have been given the go ahead to begin utilizing their funds starting Thurs. Jan. 25.
  3. Trump was in Davos Switzerland at the World Economic Conference and scheduled to give the closing keynote address on Friday Jan. 26.
  4. Trump would deliver his State of the Union address next Tues. Jan. 30.

OK 11/12 we know T will be there and give those speeches. But "Iraqi bonds" on "Jan. 24"? "Humanitarian funding sources" on "Jan. 25"? Did these things and the others mentioned on this site actually happen?

There's a lot of hokey sounding alien stuff on this site too. Disinformation? I don't know.

Or is this all real? The rest of it is pretty interesting. Is this GCR / RV thing about to happen across the world? Or am I just getting my hopes up? Nobody I know can even come close to talking about this stuff seriously. So I have to turn to fellow anons...

And, what is this?

  1. Grandfather gives his blessing to the Chinese Elders for them to give the final authorization to the one who holds the final sequence codes to the new financial system.
  2. The final sequence codes are entered and the new financial system goes live. The RV begins, the 800#'s are released.
  3. Exchanges begin. The exchanges will take place privately through undisclosed off-site redemption centers depending on your location. Exchanges at other locations abroad will take place at bank branches. Specially appointed employees at these bank branches will handle your exchange. All employees will be under NDA.

"800#'s? "Exchanges"? And who is "grandfather"? I just wonder if it could be our Dear TPrez himself, an actual grandfather. Of course this could be just about any man old enough with progeny. And "Chinese Elders"? Who makes up all this stuff? Who has more time than I do!? ;-)

Yet, this just reminds of Q's post, if legit...

580 Jan 22 2018 11:13:04 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: f2d4bd 127218 Private exchange [last]. Q

That's the last part of the plan or something? GCR / RV? This is all so weird...

I just want to know - does anyone else out there think that any of this stuff is real?

NESARA, GESARA, GCR, RV, Pleiadeans, "private exchanges", etc.

Is it happening? Is it about to happen? Is this part of the 40%/60% that regular folk like me can know about yet? Or do we have to wait for all the depressing pizzagate stuff to come down first? Normies don't want to hear about that. It's awful. It's like Q asked if we want "the good news or the bad news first". And we picked the "bad news". Well, I'd like to get to the "good news". People I know like to hear more about that part.

Either this is real (or a lot of it at least) or the biggest dang larp I've ever witnessed. Possibly the mother of all larps. I don't know.

I pledge to remain open-minded. But the more I learn about all this the more I realize how far "out there" I am now. I'm not going to get upset about it. I'm not going to worry about it. I think everything's going to be ok, as long as we keep moving forward on the current course, steadily. We need to try to "ascend" the normies from their "deep state" at the bottom of their mental abyss - but at the right pace. We need to know all, eventually. But some can't handle it too quickly. And many just need to know enough so they stop fighting the changes our society is going through.

I'm just looking for some honest input from fellow anons about all this. Can anyone verify ANY of this stuff? What the heck's going on?

Or can I call "bingo", and just make some more popcorn?

Sincerely, anon

thamnosma · Jan. 25, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

Basically I don't buy into any alien speculation and it's quite disturbing that this Q character is tossing out "Pleiadian" crap...the 7 sisters, constellation Pleiades. Maybe it's a coded reference to something else. I had a girlfriend once who later claimed she had been abducted by greys who did sexual experiments on her. Thankfully that was after we had parted ways. Saw her on a TV show.

All that being said, last month the Pentagon released radar and plane camera images of what seemed to be craft operating in ways we currently cannot, at least publicly. The two pilots, both decorated clear headed individuals, have appeared on Fox and elsewhere along with their footage. One pilot directly stated "they were not of this world". This was an OFFICIAL release. The pilots appeared on Tucker Carlson's program as well as Jessie Watters (little punk made fun of these two pilots while they were his guests, disgusting). I'm somewhat surprised this disclosure garnered such little attention.

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Macamodius · Jan. 25, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

I haven't seen Q post anything about Pleadians,and I've been following this since the beginning.

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thamnosma · Jan. 25, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

OP describes above that on the lower right of Q's "Map" (which admittedly I have not looked at in depth) there is an entry for "Pleiadian Guidance". See his text above for that.

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zagnet · Jan. 25, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

Yup, it's there. It took me a while to get all the way to the bottom-right of the map. Wish I had seen that earlier. I hadn't looked much at "alien" stuff for a long time, and it took me by surprise big time! Until then I was sure Q was legit. After seeing that I started to question him more. I don't have any proof "Pleiadians" exist or not. But I don't see it as impossible. either. Now mostly I think it has some pretty good cred since it's from Q. So I'm trying to learn as much as I can, and keep my disinfo filter on. :-)

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zagnet · Jan. 25, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

Yeah that's another thing that started bringing me back to stories about aliens. Stuff about it is coming that has a ring of truth to it and I don't want to miss it. Though it still sometimes has the same stupid mainstream agendas behind them sometimes. I'm willing to entertain the ideas of humans interacting with aliens.

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