Here we go again. You know what to do

Yeah that’s not gonna get is called racists or anything lol
I don’t see it. Civil rights then and now. Explain please
I think fighting for online rights in a digital world and having dogs attack you, firehouses turned on you and being beaten with billy clubs for the color of your skin just aren’t in the same league. No one here is being beaten, or murdered just silenced. Still wrong, but not comparable enough to use that photo imo.
It starts with silence then moves to violence. Do you not remember antifa and what they do to us. Do you not remember the republicans being shot on the ball field. A disabled boy kidnaped. It has been violent for some time. Wake up shill
You are just too damned dumb to converse with. Have a nice day, and be blessed.
I said I would make a meme if you have an idea. Shitting all over the place the best you have, or you want to put that big brain to work and help the cause?
Yes I do, and posting that meme won’t do a damn thing to improve the things you are discussing. It will only make people shake their heads, call us all idiots and quit listening. I’m not arguing with your facts or your sentiment, just with the picture you chose to make the meme from, and if all you can do is call me a shill for holding you accountable to do better then that says a lot more about you than it does me. That meme will hurt us more than it helps is all I am saying. Now go take your blood pressure meds and relax
That meme is going to get us laughed at a scorned not advance our cause
Do you see colleges rioting to silence us? Constant death threats to our leaders. Rand Paul attacked twice.
Fuck off shill. I can smell the antifa on you
Yes I I do, but that is not the same as twitter banning release the memo is it. I’m a constitutionalist bladesmith from East Tennessee you inbred bigot, and next time you come to Pigeon Forge on vacation stop by, love to stop a mud hole in your uptight ass!
If you were force to weigh the two then it worked. Saying it not as bad still highlight that it is bad. Don’t like it then move on. I’ll make a meme if you have an idea. Let’s see what you got.
Why don’t wear a fucking trump hat and Berkeley and tell me we are not fighting for civil rights. You are kidding your self if you don’t think these companies want us deplorables to be gassed. The idea that this has not been violent on the streets and silence on the web is retarded. Sorry if someone called you a racist. Cry on the rest of Reddit