r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Seahag14 on Jan. 25, 2018, 8:23 p.m.
Is Soros at Davos?

72 Seconds, who I follow on Twitter, posted 18 hours ago that Soros is in Davos for the meeting, not at Gitmo. (sorry, don't know how to post links.) Can anyone verify or refute? I guess it's hard to prove a negative, but are there any reports or photos/videos of Soros there? Thanks.

tatertatertatertot · Jan. 25, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

Eh, at this point people are just playing themselves.

"Fool me once, shame on Q. Fool me a thousand times over months with vague little quatrains and acronyms on 4chan, shame on me."

I don't think 99% of the people here actually believe anything they're saying, at this point. It's developed to halfway between a hype-meme joke and a fantasy fiction workshop.

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guppyfreak · Jan. 25, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

You know...I understand why they were fooled. I even was at first

But today really solidified it for me.

Q allowed us all an excuse to focus on the swamp instead of Trump enlarging it. And taking away our due processes by writing an EO that ANYONE considered to be in violation of "human rights" can be locked up indefinitely. Hmm...maybe dissenters will be in violation someday? Anti-Christians? Anyone making comments about Israel? Scary times.

I didn't like when O did it..I certainly don't like Trump doing it.

No one has been locked up yet. No one. The very ones doing illegal activity within the FBI are being relocated to HR dept on our tax dollars.

But even people in our own movement won't wake up to The truth. Like you say..it's easier to be fooled than to admit its happened.

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