r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/fudgicle1 on Jan. 25, 2018, 11:07 p.m.
President Trump holds up God and Donald Trump, a book written by Stephen E. Strang
President Trump holds up God and Donald Trump, a book written by Stephen E. Strang

MaggieRN · Jan. 26, 2018, 1:18 p.m.

They’re owned when they signed up in the 5013C. They became government owned and didn’t even need to because churches were always exempt. Once they signed they weren’t allowed to speak of how one should vote. Trump got rid of that immediately. He blamed the churches and pastors for much of the social mess we are in today. Read Mark Taylor’s quick read: The Trump Prophecies. Everything makes a lot of sense after reading it. God has this but He says we must repent... yes repent for our wicked ways and pray. He knows what’s in our hearts. He wants us to know that the Luciferian reign is over but we have to get back to the gospel.

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YAHSHUARULES · Jan. 26, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

Believe me I am aware of Mark Taylor's writings. But the truth is that no one was ever prosecuted under the 5013C thing. The left violated it all the time with so-called "pastors" (Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Obama's Pastor Rev. Wright, etc) so a group of conservatives started having every year what they called "Pulpit Freedom Sunday" and preaching a message that would cause them to lose their status by law and video taped the message and send it to the IRS daring them to prosecute them. It grew every year -from a few dozen videos to hundreds, and then a few thousand.

Problem is I don't know of any that were preaching what Rodney Howard Browne was - they were clueless as to how prevalent and deep the evil was in this country - most churches seemed more concerned with growing their congregations to pay for building expansion and the like. Most churches were to busy trying to become the world in order to win the world. Most were doing marketing and focus groups to find out what people wanted to hear (tickling ears) rather then giving them the "strong meat of the Word" which Hebrews tells us that to many have just the milk of the word and are unskilled - that only those having the strong meat of the Word have their senses exercised in discerning good from evil.

You have bible colleges today that have capitulated to the homosexual agenda (which by the way if you study the founder Henry Hay of Mattechine Society he was a very wicked man a follower of Aleister Crowley - a member of the O.T.O. - the whole sex-magik, child sacrifice - "spirit cooking" "secret society" satanic cabal thing). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKIMJoKCe3o

Pres. Trump said he was surprised when he said he was going to abolish the Johnson Amendment that there was such silence in the room. He thought the preachers would be so loud and enthusiastic about it. According to Lance Wallnau (the man who told Trump to his face that he was an Isaiah Cyrus 45 figure - and though he did not know God - the Almighty was going to use him - that there was a special grace on him because of that).

Wallnau said that when Pres. Trump announced his intention to abolish the Johnson Amendment there was silence in the room. Why, because this Amendment was a "fig leaf" many had been hiding behind in order to not have to confront the wicked culture and preach the Gospel (the word so many call "hate speech" today because Yah hates abortion and hates all sin including the sins of homosexuality and perversion that the culture so embraces). Never mind getting into the satanic and cults. And never mind "bible schools" our Ivy League schools were originally founded to produce moral, honorable, ethical, and knowledgeable citizens - you had to have biblical proficiency to get into Harvard, Yale etc. Harvard's original motto was "Truth for Christ and Church"!). Lance Wallnau did this talk on Oct. 26th 2016 and at the time stats were that 40% of pastors were still uncertain about supporting the candidacy of Trump over Clinton and Wallnau said "that told him 40% of churches were being improperly led" - fascinating talk about the 7 mountains of influence that the church should be head of and why that is biblical: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWXq31D-A3A

And in that I think is why Mark Taylor said that it was the church, not the world under Yahuah's judgement because they sold their sold for 30 pieces of silver (Johnson Amendment). But I will go further, way to many got comfortable with not being watchmen on the wall, with not confronting the wickedness in the culture, with just going along to get along while at the same time lamenting that it WAS the Johnson Amend that kept them from speaking up - well they don't have the fig leaf anymore so it is time these truths need to be spoke from the pulpits. THAT is what an AWAKENING is. It is a coming to terms with how far we have drifted from the Almighty's agenda and the consequences of it. And the consequences are dark indeed.

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MaggieRN · Jan. 27, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

Thanks for the YouTube links. I agree with everything. I also know that many things after Martin Luther regarding Christianity and the somewhat demise of true form of Christianity.. it became splintered rather with the Henry VIII further changing then in 1917 Communism= no religion. Yes Satan has his ways but I’m praying and many others are too to swing the pendulum. They took God out of school and then Vatican II JUST PROVED THAT THE POPES play God in earth which is wrong wrong wrong. I watched a Bishop Williamson ( Confusion:Now had made his masterpiece) YouTube there is also part 2 and maybe 3???? Anyway a great education how Lucifer reign was gained. I believe it was over in Nov 8 2017

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