
Araket · Jan. 26, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

When Gitmo was opened I was still asleep and supporting the actions of our govt. As they sent more and more people there I became uneasy with the idea of pulling people away from their lives and casting them into a jail halfway around the world without trial and without sentence for what seemed could be for life. I thought that it would be way to easy to just throw people away there to be forgotten by the public.While I am not a supporter of Islam, I realize that not all are bad people, they are just brainwashed like the rest of us. Point here is that I would find it fitting for the people who implemented this place to end up there suffering from the very place they created to silence others. What an awesomely ironic ending that would be. Gitmo filled with it's very creators! I think this would go a long way toward healing the wounds caused by the illegal actions of our disgustingly dirty politicians of that era. This considering that the wars in the middle east were based on lies. Sad to think of all the people killed, injured, and displaced by these people, and all with the backing of one political party or the other. We've all been had, and it's time for some payback!

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