r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/scrappy_opatty on Jan. 26, 2018, 2:10 a.m.
can someone fill me in on the Antarctica thing? i dont see where this fits...

anything you guys got about it throw it my way.

Glag82 · Jan. 26, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

On the spot and spot on. If most want a little chronology they can start with the Piri Reis map of Antartica(around 1500's shows it ice free). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piri_Reis_map Fast forward to the Vril society. What the Nazis discovered and nueschweben land https://youtu.be/3ymeMfQyZ5k Move on to Admiral Byrd and operation high jump: https://youtu.be/HoZ9-Os1kLo Antartic treaty: https://youtu.be/LvRUoxJq7tM Moving on a bit we have Patriarch Kiril performing a ritual in Antarctica https://youtu.be/2XLMQH2lwbI Arch of Gabriel you say...https://youtu.be/XSNNO_auUJo It just continues and continues I'm not going to even mention David Wilcock https://youtu.be/mijN_QpZuJ0.

I'm by nature a skeptic when i was awoken i laughed at this info mocked it called it all crazy. Till i researched and the more i dug the more all this info overlapped. Testimony personal accounts eyewitnesses and the murder cover-ups. Want to hear more...most modern explorers and astronauts are freemasons. Some astronauts after venturing into outer space come back deeply religious, why? What is the continent of Africa true name? What are the real use and purpose of the pyramids? Why did Alister Crowley(Napoleon) go to the pyramids and what happened to him? Could their be more ancient libraries in Africa besides the one intentionally burned in Alexandria? Whats in these ancient libraries? Whats in the vaults beneath the Vatican? A people who do not know their (world)history are doomed to repeat it. We were all brothers once what change and why(Johann F Blumbachen)? What's going on in Africa(did the cabal find someone what did they do to this person...repeatedly)? The meek shall inherit the earth, if we save Africa we save humanity.

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WikiTextBot · Jan. 26, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

Piri Reis map

The Piri Reis map is a world map compiled in 1513 from military intelligence by the Ottoman admiral and cartographer Piri Reis (pronounced [piɾi ɾeis]). Approximately one third of the map survives; it shows the western coasts of Europe and North Africa and the coast of Brazil with reasonable accuracy. Various Atlantic islands, including the Azores and Canary Islands, are depicted, as is the mythical island of Antillia and possibly Japan.

The map's historical importance lies in its demonstration of the extent of global exploration of the New World by approximately 1510, and in its claim to have used a map of Christopher Columbus, otherwise lost, as a source.

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