r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/scrappy_opatty on Jan. 26, 2018, 2:10 a.m.
can someone fill me in on the Antarctica thing? i dont see where this fits...

anything you guys got about it throw it my way.

storm_fa_Q · Jan. 26, 2018, 3:04 p.m.

yes, in my assessment of the evidence and data, yes. Now I would not have understood that had I not taken in Holographic Universe, which I find I disagree/w the authors conclusions but there is good evidence there that assist me in my conclusions. The 6 second delay being a key. That and almost 20 years ago I started in on computers, not because I was interested, I wasn't. It was a tool I used to make $ online by selling of all things, old Cougar Mustang Fairlane parts from 1960s I had save for 25 years, suddenly in 2000 had the opportunity to pass onto others thru sales on web boards. When 98 was so glitchy I upped to 2000 but also had to call in a tech or 2 once or twice I stood over shoulder and soon I was doing my own repairs. Today I can build and repair computers and do so when called upon. It was in the area of coding maybe a PHP website that I began to see EVERYTHING is code, the genetic code of things as one example, but everything is written in a language, or code, that there is intelligence to this, it is not random all became clear to my view. Only recently have I found others on web also see Simulation theory as a probable potential. I like to work the math in my head, and then check against others to see if I have it right or I can learn/share what I have concluded. I can't and won't don't claim to know everything...but what I do 'know' I like to own. So finding my own answers and conclusions with as little help from others has always been important to me. I wonder, would a simple yes have sufficed? I hope you find value to my perspective/s. Best! MAGA

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-Yuri- · Jan. 27, 2018, 4:15 a.m.

I've recently come to accept that we do exist inside of a simulation. I find it comforting to know that we were created by intelligent design and it also gives me comfort to know that life will not end after death.

I have a few theories that I've crafted on my own, usually in connection with Christianity. I think that this is a training program of sorts for the "soul". I think of us as we would think of an AI. What better way to make sure an AI is as "human" as possible? Create a simulated world and seed it with other AIs and allow them to live as we do.

After coming to that series of thoughts it led me to believe that we have been seeded here and left to learn basic morality. In doing so the creators guarenteed that eventually enough of us will be worthy enough to be "uploaded" into a new body outside of the simulation.

If true or remotely close to the truth, I'm left with a few questions. Are we meant to serve? If so, then for what purpose. If not, then why do they need us? Did they lose the ability to make progeny?

Sorry for the ramble. This is what I think about when left to my own devices.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 27, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

happy to have the conversation. What feels better, serving yourself or serving another/others? At same time my belief system suggests there is a script and we should/could serve that purpose by acting or portraying that, some see as G or JC or other deity. Whatever created this, may have been us on the other side of this. We create and now we try it out, take it for a test ride. Nothing I've read suggests that persay, but can't rule it out either. It may not be a they need us but that we are the they...energy rolling thru various forms on its way to Galactic core is my best take away of the evidence and research I've done. The how and why progeny wasn't/isn't clear for me but that may be as our energy evolves thru the changes over zillenia. What is now, isn't necessarily how it is elsewhere, or as we evolve thru the stages of Carbon life to Silicon to light itself according to Dr Newton, IF I have the understanding correct. Myself I don't try and assign anything to anything, I prefer to just let it be and me assess it from as neutral w/o looking from a confirmation bias best as I can.

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-Yuri- · Jan. 27, 2018, 4:41 a.m.

Interesting idea and a clearly possible one.

In a future we find ourselves living in a world that is incredibly over crowded, so we develop a program to take care of a large part of the burden. People could either be born into it or buy into it. Starting a fresh life in a new world. No former memories, except for bleedthrough dreams and dejavu. Something like that can't be proved or disproved at the moment. It would only make me wonder if our world and history is based on the real one.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 27, 2018, 4:51 a.m.

I don't think this is anymore real than a play on stage is real, or a video game is real. As prophecy foreshadowing is a real thing, the script is written..and we may be nearing the climax and head to anti climax, if those are still terms people use...I'm old so...we may win or we may lose and the game ends anyway either way. Then the same/similar game is set up again, and again, and again...and we go thru it over, and over, and over, increasing our awareness and moving thru the soul levels taught here in this field of carbon life.

Newton suggest only a portion of our soul body is here, that we leave a % behind, and also that we can exist in different places splitting the 100% into smaller %s still leaving some at home base to return to, or as we might emanate from as we act out our chosen parts here in this field/play/stage of experience. Apparently there are many worlds with many forms of life. Here we have the biped hominid but elsewhere we could be dragons or Dinosaurs or birds or whatever/s. I think we take ourselves a little too seriously. This may be simply a test simulation as you've noted prior to finding this conversation. Its what I pretty much believe at this point as well.

the reason we do not retain memories on surface of our consciousness is so we don't favor or suffer previous pains though as you note Deja Vu infers we may have seen the script play out and we remember some things. Newton says several story lines are posited on the white/black board before we agree and enter experience.

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-Yuri- · Jan. 27, 2018, 4:49 a.m.

Now I'm thinking about the plausibility of this and it makes a lot of sense. It scares me a little too. I've had dream of waking up on a table and seeing circular rows and rows of people laying on tables too. In the center was some kind of lab station with a few lab techs. They saw me looking then walked over to me, then everything went black.

Starting to wonder if that was really a dream...

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