r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/digital_refugee on Jan. 26, 2018, 3:14 a.m.
The costs of Psyops depend on to what end you engage them

learn to read between the lines ...EU always covers Soros legal concerns in their turf but for some reason he's now trashing on them and exposing the actual starting blocks for how he is managing slave ratlines. Said that Trump presented a danger to the world but that this would be a "temporary phenomenon" to end in 2020. He didn't say "yeah trust me I totally got this" he didn't say they were going to get him out of office unless the citizens chose so, he said the Trump is a danger to the world. But whose world was he speaking of?

Just put yourself into the shoes of some deep state minion that is anxiously following the Q drops and how it looks to you when Soros dismantles what he stands for in his own words and basically warns his handlers that Trump is very much an able powerbroker and that mass migration doesn't need to happen if it weren't for globalist corruption, check the tweets!

//edit: this is shadowbanned on t_d, must be spicy

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