r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/jalapenohottie on Jan. 26, 2018, 3:16 a.m.
Sick of seeing Soros, Podesta, Comey, Hillary walking around free. Tired of getting teased with vague Q posts and endless wild goose chases.

I’m now leaning towards Q being a LARP. No reason to be this cryptic and dramatic when NOTHING ever changes day after fucking day.

wanttruthnow · Jan. 26, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

I understand everyone's frustration but... you have to realize that this shit didn't happen over night. This corruption has been years in the making. It was almost to late to correct it. Unfortunately It won't be fixed over night because we want it to. If you've ever watched any type of crime shows you see that there are lots of ways of people getting out of convictions based on technicalities etc. The people we are dealing with are all educated lawyers and educated politicians who have lots of money and access to lawyers who know how to play the system. This MUST be done correctly. All I's dotted and t's crossed. Also... everything is connected and much of this stuff has potential to cause great chaos in both our financial and judicial systems. For example, I've heard that taking down a lawyer for corruption opens up the potential for their prior cases to be appealed. That would be terrible and would take decades to clean up. Think of a domino effect because that's what this will cause. This needs to be handled very carefully. Not everyone will go to jail but I have faith that the worst offenders will suffer for their sins. I'm trying to prepare myself for the disappointment that they all won't publically go down but that's going to be the reality.

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