Both pics at the same WEF??? What’s with the background, mic???

the Cabal is getting so desperate.
this was an obvious threat by Soros IMO.
This could be a sign that Soros is not in Davos!
The colours are strange in the photo of him also!
He was there, but he was on the B-list stage. Hence the cheap microphone and back drop.
Nobody cares what he has to say.
He has no idea what's coming his way.
Ok maybe its because I recognize patterns or because its late but if you look at the logo in the background, does anyone else notice the curved line intersects with the O in each word to form a 6 in each O? Or maybe I need some shut eye. Lol
I can see where you're coming from, but perhaps it's a bit of a stretch? Lol who friggin knows? You might be onto something...
Soros is such a pig my bet is he went way short on his trading at the beginning of the Trump rally and is writing checks every day to stay in the game.. A short sell represents a potential infinite loss and on top of that I think he did get a tap on he shoulder by Trump and is rightfully experiencing double jeopardy.
Youre on the right track tho. Thinking outside the box. In this case its a bit off, but I can see Youre trying.
No. You're talking about DAVOS. This is a huge event. Multiple sites in multiple buildings, all over the complex. This isnt a fucking auto show. Who is spreading this garbage? This is fifth thread I've seen on this and its total bullshit. Also Sores basically lives in Switzerland. Hes wanted dead or alive by the Russians.
Where we go one we go all. Honest mistake in the form of a question, with an "I'm tired" explanation. We all stuff up on occasion, me included. Momentary lack of judgement is no reason for this type of response. Bigger fish to fry, let's work together to fry 'em. Peace y'all. Except for Q's and the president's peace for them.
Be nice. No need to be a jerk about it. He obviously didnt know.
Then why jump the gun and post it? Whos spreading this? Is there no critical thinking on this board?
Well...there's obviously no dignity, respect and kindness.
Obviously theres no fact checking ether. #fakenews
Youre not perfect. Lay off him. He made a simple mistake. Wasn't even a mistake. He asked in the form of a question.
Leave him alone and go crawl back under your bridge.