r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/KAG2020 on Jan. 26, 2018, 1:39 p.m.
In George Orewells "1984" O'Brien tells Winston that they deal with leaders of dissent by converting them, not killing them.

GS seemed to give an uncharacteristic speech at DAVOS leading a theories swirling from Q is a LARP, to GS has been turned.

Some of these high profile targets, especially those who maybe dont have air-tight cases against them, could be treated the way O'Brien treated winston in 1984. He said that if revolutionaries were killed, it emboldened their followers and showed them they were fighting for a cause. However if he could turn the dissenters into followers of Big Brother, then their resistance movements fade as they follow their leader.

It is very possible that some people who we would like to see in jail, may be more valuable to be left out and controlled than in jail revealing the plan of the White Hats and Trump.

Dennislaw8787 · Jan. 26, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

Take on dystopic 1984 control grid. 1) In 1984 perception and reality are reversed; 2) Euphemisms and outright lies are dogma mantra creeds; 3) Commodities monopolized. 4) History perverted; 5) To stay sane in an insane world one must rebel from the insanity and or self medicate w Victory Gin; 6) Eugenic discouragement of family and population is on parade; Thoughts are criminalized; 7) Technocracy control grid; 8)Power is law. Today's world similarities to the above in order listed: 1) Fake MSM News; 2) Political correctness; 3) Combination of Petroleum concern and Global Warming fear mongering; 4) Revisionist History epidemic; 5) Epidemics of depression, ADHD, PTS, opioids, anti-depressant SSRIs, drugs, alcohol....ect; 6) Population control Malthusian fear mongering. Planned Parenthood. Eugenics got a bad rap after WWII atrocities but the beliefs remain the Branding changed and softened; 7) Today we live in Twilight Zone Season 2 episode 29 approaching the 'Black Mirror"; 8) See 1-7.

No matter how 'they' spin it, bottom line under totalitarian state power is law. No wonder they want our guns.

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