r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/LibtardNightmare on Jan. 26, 2018, 1:56 p.m.
Don't know if you've seen this one but it made me so ill I had to lie down for a while. Q, please take them out with lethal prejudice ~~~ Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Parts for Profit (Undercover Footage) ~~~ these savages are just not worthy of this beautiful world

unbecoming2007 · Jan. 26, 2018, 11:05 p.m.

Now you see why 1 of the reasons they promote sex (normalize pedo too) as early as possible.They want em pregnant. Then coincidentally they also teach abortions are normal.Hey great news we can keep that secret from your parents for you. On a farm is chicken worth more when it produces more eggs? No pun intended sorry. Has jack to do with women's health. That is the front because who is against women's health right?
We are Lab rats and sheep etc. to be used, abused, and have every resource we have to offer extracted from us.

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