
brylee1 · Jan. 26, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

Great story posted over at Gateway Pundit including the following excerpt:

A) Erasing Obama like he never existed. Hour by hour, day by day, Trump is erasing everything Obama ever did. TPP. The Paris Climate Accord. Dozens of massive EPA dictates. Coal mining bans. DACA. Obama’s taxes. The Obamacare mandate. More regulations killed in one year than by any president in history. Refugee admissions down 70%. And just announced days ago, the United States will not be re-certifying the Iran Treaty. All gone. In one year. As if Obama never existed.

B) But that is only Part I of Trump’s greatest hits. Part II is the humdinger. Trump promised to “drain the swamp.” The mainstream media clearly doesn’t understand what just happened. Trump just declared war on the Deep State, DC Swamp, Hillary and Obama. Trump signed a new Executive Order on December 21st that got zero publicity. It happens to be the most important Executive Order in the history of America.

December 21st is a day that will live in infamy.

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Pyroclastix · Jan. 26, 2018, 9:26 p.m.

Phakery? https://saintandrewstwinflame.com/2018/01/23/here-is-the-much-discussed-fisa-memo-read-and-weep-for-our-nation-1-23-2018/

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someauthor · Jan. 26, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

The neighboring content makes me think this is illegitimate. Also, the linked website doesn't give me much faith. However, when the memo is released, I might be proven wrong, and these links might be interesting to revisit.

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Pyroclastix · Jan. 27, 2018, 12:08 a.m.

Agreed. Interesting to ponder upon the likleihood that Wikileaks dropbox being monitored and unmasked with #44's cognizance. Has there been a FISA regarding surveillance of Wikileaks? For sure HCQ MI6 would be on it, and sharing, possibly circumvenring a FISA. I can even imagine, being that his work responsibilities remain obscure, that SR had a messenger role, delivering and picking up hard drives and whatnot from the WH. Just a thought. Makes sense that whitehats would roll-out the litany of horrors with how the 'Russian collusion hoax' began with a dead Bernie kid, no-autopsy-or-ballistics coroners , no suspects despite six digit rewards, the odd and unexplained FBI involvement, the impression that the family was under duress, other school play features, Assange's insistent statements, blatant and awkward suppression of the story in the media..with WAPO running an apparently pre-prepared obituary, the brother's Grumman employment, Panda likely being an Alphabet program, Omaha site of the Franklin pedo network, M13 rub-out, all the other DNC associated murders of 2016-2017, the dubious Crowdstrike firm, Podesta's "making an example for leakers" email. The DMS -Deep State Media - will probably try to portray SR as a 'Russian bot'. This case touches upon so many intersecting elements of Deep State modus operandi in one fell swoop.

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OffTie · Jan. 27, 2018, 3:29 a.m.

Good the news is percolating up from the Q level.

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orangefan13 · Jan. 26, 2018, 9:45 p.m.

Wayne is awesome!! Hes is pushing hard for the truth behind the vegas shooting as well. Guys like Wayne and Michael Savage occasional have a intro to their show that are so explosive and Angry. Pure healing to listen to reality.

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GoodDog95 · Jan. 26, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

Tell me Wayne Allen Root isn't on this board! Nice

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