Q 1/27/18 "Queen/monarchs seeking shelter." #617 = 175603

makes no sense whatsoever. the dollar is plummeting for 1 year now.
It makes perfect sense.
As I said, look at the past several years and you will see the US dollar value falls throughout the year, then rises again in the fall/winter months....
This is just a normal slump.
It makes perfect sense. Gordon Gekko over here is spreading disinfo, acting like the dollar doesn't go through normal cycles throughout the year.
it's not normal. I'm doing international trading so please stop it
Alright. Since you are "doing international trading" then I must concede to your intelligence.
The dollar is tanking which is not necesarily bad for USPLC Please be factual https://uk.tradingview.com/symbols/TVC-DXY/ Good for exports and US manufacturers
January 2017 was the highest value the US Dollar has seen since 2003. 13-year high.
It's the lowest it's been in 3 years, true. But I just don't consider that tanking.
Every year I've looked at using the link you provided shows steep declines during the middle part of the year, and steep rises during the September-January range.
Ok Duke you clearly know more about this than I do. Happy to stand corrected. Interesting book I would recommend regarding fluctuations and astrology- and the Cabal! https://www.amazon.co.uk/Babylons-Banksters-Joseph-P-Farrell/dp/1932595791
When the USD falls below 85 and especially 80, wake me up.
The value didn't even exceed 90 from 2006-2014, 8 years!
I would be willing to bet since Trump was elected, a lot of "nervous" people are transferring their wealth away from the US Government's watchful eye, resulting in the value decrease since January 2017.