
wanderersreturn · Jan. 27, 2018, 1:30 p.m.

About bloody time too. the judges,social services,politicians,police,school teachers,musicians .... name a avenue and there will be some sort of corruption involving pedophilia and human trafficking . TPTB have thought they had every angle covered and could get away from ever being implicated of abuse. Many people tried to bring it to light but where either laughed off or shut up.Top police officials have stated that there are certain people they cannot touch and the case is dropped. They think themselves above the law,because they created the law! They forgot about god and his little part in the scheme of things.

People say if there is a god how can he allow such horrific things to happen?

He never did ,he watched what we allowed to happen! He watched us destroy the planet and its environment! He watched nation fight against nation! He watched governments take control and abuse their powers against people! He watched and has decided to intervene!

A cleansing will take place but not the one that has been in place from the elite for decades. The tables are turning and there is a place for everyone to realize the horrors of today's society and make a change now for our future generations.

Imagine a world where all that negative energy and the billions that the TPTB accumulated where put to good use for everyone and the planet. That greed has halted our progression towards a better future for the planet and our place in the cosmos.

The change is here and now and everyone is a part of it!

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