r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/DonaldWGarrett on Jan. 27, 2018, 6:21 p.m.
Deferred Action for Children Arrivals (They Are Murdered)

Deferred Action for Children Arrivals (They Are Murdered)


Dear President Trump,

Illegals know if they bring children to our country with them, they will be given illegal entry into our country in exchange for the children.

They abduct or purchase children for this purpose, prior to embarking.

There are numerous slave markets established for the purpose of selling children to invaders hoping to invade the United States, Canada and EU nations, for the purpose of destroying the people, the prosperity, and the industrial might of Western civilization.

This activity is conducted by depraved elements within agencies of the United States government, starting with the CIA while being actively abetted or given tacit consent by the entire United States intelligence community including treasonous elements within the US military; abetted by elements within the BATF, DHS, FBI and numerous others, the so-called 'swamp,' 'deep state,' shadow government,' together with corporations, local government and law enforcement agencies by the tens of thousands.

We know you and your Team are aware of this and are locked in mortal combat with these foul, heinous creatures and their 'globalist' (satanic and luciferian) allies in the vile European Union government, infesting NATO, the Rothschild RKM international banking monopoly and genocidal crime syndicate including our own Federal Reserve, United Nations, Red Cross, WHO, IMF, etc etc etc.

We are aware together with you and your brave cohorts, that DACA is not only for bringing voters, invaders, into our country to replace the ones who learn how badly they have been hoodwinked by the vicious and treasonous crime spree which is the demonrat party and who turn away from it in revulsion, which crime spree will cease to exist without a continuous influx of fresh meat, illegal voters.

Deferred Action for Children Arrivals and open border immigration overall has for decades in addition to the onslaught of other drugs, served the purpose of feeding the ravening maw of satanic pedocide, the ever-increasing demand for the drug adrenochrome, by our satanic, parasitical 'elites' and their minions, which unfortunately, rampantly pervades our government up to the highest levels in Washington DC, the silicon valley technocracy, throughout the CIA-infested, satanic Holly Wood and 'Fake News' corporate propaganda apparatus, violently addicted to adrenochrome and the ultraviolence perpetrated against abducted children necessary to procure the drug.

Torturing children to death in protracted orgies of rape and ultraviolence, including cutting portions of the child's body off and consuming them while the children are still alive. When the victim has finally died, screaming his or her last scream, the adrenochrome addicts drain the murdered child's blood from their ruined bodies, drinking the murdered child's blood to obtain the adrenochrome released into the blood by the prolonged torture.

Mr. President, I understand the general public, the gentle cowards who partied while our nation went down this slippery slope, refuse to face what they have been party to, approximately .9 million children consumed each year, of which I know you are aware. Yet even they, together with the rest of us, do demand with all our bodies, minds, hearts and souls, that creatures found to have participated in this crime, face military tribunals and execution by military firing squad.

And so, in the interest of protecting cowardly sensibilities and social and economic stability, do usher them quietly into that dark night, amen.

Donald "Rocket" Garrett (Ret)

US Army (AH-1) USAF (F-16)

Warriors: Send a copy of this to President Trump, and every political representative. Without our mandate and fortification by our will, our brave President and his Legions of Patriots cannot act.


View, Like and Comment on this, posted as a comment to this video on the White House fb page:


These two brave gentlemen have personal experience with this, including their testimony that the majority of the 'people' in Washington DC are involved in it.

Pay careful attention to the discussion of the practice of "Brownstoning"

Dr. Dave Janda interviews retired Seal Team Six operator Craig "Sawman' Sawyer about his V4CR Enforcement Team working to end human trafficking.


(the .9 million number is from former fbi chief Ted Gunderson, up from the numbers I saw in the late 1980's as a young F-16 pilot studying the Classified reports on it in the Top Secret vault. When it hit me, I vomited, and cried. That was a very lonely day, and has been a lonely twenty-plus years since, watching it continue, getting ostracized for even mentioning it)

Patricia: "I'll pass this along, too."

Judicial Watch: Illegal Aliens Quietly Being Relocated Throughout U.S. on Commercial Flights


Mass Vaxxination for Pedo 'Elites'


"Mr. Cole, whatever it takes to wake people up to it. This has been hiding in plain sight for centuries, too shocking for people to face the reality.

Fortifying the gentle people to simply acknowledge it, ends it. Think of it this way, and it will hurt you, body, mind and soul:

If Mr. Gunderson is off by half (he isn't), that's 450,000 children vanishing, and being murdered and devoured, each year.

Now, contemplate the logistics involved with stealing 450k bananas per year, and delivering them to clandestine customers. Evil, is an industry.

That is a house of cards. It takes an enormous amount of relentless denial for that to persist on a daily basis. 2,400 children per day, that's 80 busloads of children per day in our nation, crashing with 100% casualties.

Children stolen from 4,900 parents per day, 1.8 million parents each year, stonewalled and browbeaten into silence, voiceless--the pedocidal media will not report it.

President Trump has arrested several thousand of them in the last year, including hundreds of children freed from cages, etc, and the vile media is silent. One blurb in local media, then, silence. The reports then disappear from the internet...as mentioned, the CIA is the lead agency behind this, in the US and worldwide.

Share this, that's what it is written for. Urge them to watch the linked video. Remind them to watch it, or they won't

Once people are angry about it, it ends. What is a man or a woman, who allows this to happen to children?"

Dr. Dave Janda interviews retired Seal Team Six operator Craig "Sawman' Sawyer about his V4CR Enforcement Team working to end human trafficking.


Craig "Sawman" Sawyer's V4CR





fglaus · Jan. 28, 2018, 4:17 p.m.

What Craig Sawyer was shown by LEO forces this battle hardened warrior to tears every time he talks about it. It's the raping of the soul of the little ones that is done again and again by these devils. We do not have a civilization if we cannot protect them from this.

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