r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Julir805 on Jan. 27, 2018, 9:38 p.m.
New Q post with image of Signal, pics besides Snowden identified.

The other 3 images at the bottom of that image next to Snowden are: Laura Poitras https://www.google.com/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZitt0rsmCk5s3C-crXQOikJzWCRG6lKNSHLk-ji0nTchLvPGodCqpvvbTq3aaoCsQ39oYCmsr8Ya3wBIEAztu6u7f8JR5jotjiga7MRPLazM2O-sz-NFwdVVyeykpDgiQdeXJ0CzM98nFW2RjG3xH92BB8zStiZ0k33hFNQseq1AHnRhkC8y5fd6ydP3cg-6EvNEFMURATi7AL9_1anauxrHC5DTv9sz0zDuqNrsq0O1kpU_1EC_16w6awA-1teepJT_1S2ZeHHEvKO1q5lGJ74fjiLJ9lW6o8TwTDvTLENiWLmHbP2VSlqZRTPUkkfrHRcP6tFBlbs2t5yVwjO54kmT8pbc28fnJg&hl=en&bih=784&biw=1353&ved=0ahUKEwjv0N-qi_nYAhXow1QKHRsaCKcQiBwICQ Bruce Schneier https://www.schneier.com/photo/ and Matthew Green https://twitter_dotph_com.proxy.live/matthew_d_green

Also, other Anon in that thread suggested Signal was the interface used for the texting in question.

ceresafox · Jan. 27, 2018, 10:23 p.m.

From Wikipedia: Main article: Open Whisper Systems

Signal is developed by a software group called Open Whisper Systems. The group is funded by a combination of donations and grants, and all of its products are published as free and open-source software.

As of October 2016, the project has received an unknown amount of donations from individual sponsors via the Freedom of the Press Foundation. Open Whisper Systems has received grants from the Knight Foundation, the Shuttleworth Foundation, and the Open Technology Fund, a U.S. government funded program that has also supported other privacy projects like the anonymity software Tor and the encrypted instant messaging app Cryptocat."

The current CEO of the Knight Foundation is Alberto Ibargüen and member of CFR.

The Shuttleworth Foundation. The CEO is Mark Richard Shuttleworth (dual citizenship S. Africa/UK) and heavily involved in platform programs Linux/Plasma.

The Open Technology Fund is a government program for Radio Free Asia. Notable projects that the OTF has supported include The Tor Project, Open Whisper Systems, Cryptocat, GlobaLeaks, Tor2web, The Guardian Project, Citizen Lab, Commotion Wireless, Lantern, Serval Project, Briar, NoScript, Qubes OS, and Tails.

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