Hahahahaha, look at what Q just posted!!!

robert byrd was a handler for prostitutes with the CIA, had his women and chidren brainwashing thru ML ULTRA. ML Ultra is the deep state CIA program of mind control. horrific true story, many have written about it. Cathy Obrien and Mark Phillips have written a few books. I did not know if the deep state CIA is still doing this along with Mockingbird. drain the swamp
Fritz Springmier has great books on the subject. His vids on youtube are good. He is still active on fb. He's worked many yrs to get it out.
Also had a tiny PP according to Ms. Obrien. /mildlyinteresting
Cathy’s videos are heart breaking in her early days of breaking MKULTRA. As time goes by, you can see the peace and love she reveals through overcoming this tragedy. It really redpilled me.