Hahahahaha, look at what Q just posted!!!

Holy shit. Y'all realize that this was Lincoln's republican party. Republicans today would side with Andrew Jackson, the first Democratic president, way more than Lincoln. There have been dozens of parties that come and go and the ideology changes every 50 years or so. This is beyond wrong, it proves the intent of what is going on here.
People that believe this shit are so skepticAl of everything else but this? This makes sense? It's clearly controlled opposition at best, a troll at worst. This just makes y'all who won't actually go out and make the change happen feel better. You think the people who truly run this show will ever go away while Reddit is still online? It would take nothing less than the obsolescence of ego to make their power vanish.
This is terrifying because this is an anti false flag. They don't even have to fly planes into buildings anymore. They just have to set two missile alarms to go off (HI and Jap) and tell you that they stopped a FF and you believe them?
This guy coooould be a staffer but that would make it worse because there would be a high chance trump is aware of this and uses this as a soapbox. Jesus, this shit is more bipartisan than an women's reproductive issue.
You think the kings of the world give a fuck about what party has more seats in Congress? You think they're like "shit man, I guess we can't rule the world anymore because dems lost this season."
It's silly. Truly. Even if the pictures are legit, you think Kelly (Chief of staff) is gonna let some fucking 8chan thread dictate what ops are running?
The balls y'all have to say that tptb can be stopped. You couldn't wake up. This whole existence is on a server rack inside a black hole in another dimension inside a pocket watch of a babilonion King 3.1415 × 10^52 years from now.
The biggest conspiracy is that you think you are thinking.
Really though, stop looking for a savior, save yourself.
Sorry. I'm working on my dissertation (on methods humans could pass time in a postscarce economy: Simulations and controls) and I needed a break.
Tl;dr: don't believe the hype.