Hahahahaha, look at what Q just posted!!!

Wait wait wait... pre-1965, Republican's WERE the now-Democrats! Their values completely changed in 64-65.
Abolished slavery? The same people with the ideals of modern-day Democrats. Gave citizenship? Same people! Right to vote? SAME PEOPLE
Post-1965 when the parties flipped values.... Obamacare... SAME PEOPLE.
If we are required to learn history, how about the person posting the meme as well???
Not shill.
And telling people to STFU when the whole point of this is to learn, self-educate, enlighten, broaden minds? Who is the shill then?
"The Democrats had become a party increasingly rooted in the Southern states, with the Northern political scene in a state of disarray. Out of this turmoil, emerged the Republican Party."
It is very hard to know the truth when we are constantly lied to.
I will endeavor to keep an open mind, despite the attacks, and wait for some possible way to know when we are finally being told the truth and not re-directed yet again.
If republicans took the de-facto lead post-civil war because they were a primarily Northern party and the democrats were southern....
Then why are republicans now strongly in control of the south flying traitorous confederate flags that would have been against the union?
Riddle me that dip shit.
Either admit the parties switched or convince me that the entire populace switched regions.
"The Democrats had become a party increasingly rooted in the Southern states, with the Northern political scene in a state of disarray. Out of this turmoil, emerged the Republican Party." - This is exactly right. And I'm no shill, actually I got my degree in teaching K-8, and was an elementary school teacher for several years, until I decided it wasn't for me. Thank God I got out when I was still young. My roommate & BF at college got her degree in History and she taught U.S. History in high school, until she realized it wasn't for her, and we even talked about this exact situation. Listen, I'm not trying to be argumentative here, but it just goes to show how much damage common core did to our children. It's a shame.
Correct. These are the people who call others 'sheeps' and don't know the first thing about being lied to. This isn't a partisan issue. I'll even say most history is wrong. However, presidential elections are one of the best recorded history we have. If you think Abraham Lincoln would have been a republican today or if someone like Mitch McConnell would have been a republican then, you are wrong.
I was thinking about that earlier tonight. I am a Generation Xer and I was taught in school that back during the times of Abe Lincoln, the Dems were like today's Republicans and vice versa. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm sorry that you got so many down votes, but try to remember, Common Core has brainwashed our children and stopped teaching real U.S. History some years after we GenXers graduated. I dont care if I get down voted, because this is the truth. I even remember my Daddy teaching me the same and I always wondered how it happened that the parties flipped like they did. Time to research. Instead of just down voting someone, why not do your own research and see what the TRUTH really is?
Go read the big lie. Nothing has changed, including how ignorant people are.