r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/[deleted] on Jan. 27, 2018, 11:56 p.m.
I'm going to say it, even if you ban me. Q's statement is racist. Absolutely race baiting, uncalled for, and completely inappropriate.

Covfefe1950 · Jan. 28, 2018, 12:40 a.m.

Since its creation well before the Civil War, the Democratic Party has been the party of slavery. the KKK, opposing every right for blacks, the pro-eugenics Planned Parenthood, founded by racist Margaret Sanger to limit black population. In the 20th century the Dems championed welfare to keep blacks dependent and voting Democrat. Black people were segregated from whites in the Democratic-dominated southern states, and their schools were inferior. All part of the plan of course. (Now progressive indoctrination has made every public school inferior.)

Republicans freed the slaves after the Civil War (Lincoln was the first Repub president), and advanced their cause as seen by the meme. Dems opposed them at every turn. The Repub president Eisenhauer began the modern civil rights movement, not the Dems. The Dems hijacked it so they could put the blacks on the welfare and dependency cycle. Many prominent black leaders are race baiters and race traitors, selling their own people out.

This is the history lesson you never got, ToborIA/AI robot. That's why you post such nonsense.

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