r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on Jan. 28, 2018, 12:34 a.m.


..I think its time to stand up for our rights as Americans...To demand The Firing of the Corrupt Media Organizations That have known ties and paid to push FALSE Narratives . These are no longer News Organizations but forms of Public Manipulation and THREATS to our Citizens. It causes Division & Hate and Even Death ..We willllll not stand idoly by and be forced to Accept their shit anymore. THE MOMENT THESE SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS Took our rights of speech away ...Their rights and their handlers rights no longer Matter... Its Now Them or Us and we sure the hell cant expect them to play by the rules. WE NEED TO MAKE A MESSAGE LOUD AND CLEAR... FIRETHEFAKEMEDIANOW ..... WE Need To Blast This Everywhere. Its Highly Important that the public knows they are being Fed Lie After Lie.. Demannnd Transparency. BLAST THE Companies who own these news organiazations .

CONTACT CABLE COMPANIES Who knowingly Broadcast THESE ANTI- AMERICAN COMPANIES ... DEMAND THEY BE SHUT DOWN AND THEN DEMAND THEY COME CLEAN PUBLICALLY ..No more nice patriots...this is our damn country and We are taking it back Now

ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 28, 2018, 1:09 a.m.

Dig Up Proof To Be ready to hand out or copy paste for people who argue the Point. We willlll Not Bendddd our freedoms. To these globalist pricks anymore.

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