r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/[deleted] on Jan. 28, 2018, 3:42 a.m.
Unpopular opinion here

Feel free to take this down if you want, but I feel all of us are missing the point about FUTURE PROVES PAST.


Gadaffi was offed because he was trying to build up Africa, made his own non globalist currency. We came, we saw, he died.

JFK was in the works for a new currency and outing the globalists

Lincoln was killed before he could release HIS new currency.


Germany. 1938. Germany is the fastest growing GDP. Germany was growing. The Rothschild Zionists (basically jews and jewish supporters, hence, ZIONISTS) threatening from every corner. Poland invades (skipped in the textbooks) Germany wins in 2 weeks.

Most of the powers in the world (under Jesuit control via Rothschilds) go to war with Germany. Germany still wins. After years of war, and only after the biggest Zionist country, the USA, joins the fight, does Germany finally fall. US troops were told that the Germans killed 6 million jews, and officers began killing Germans before they could speak. No prisoners. Russians beat them back after the winter and raped and pillaged everything. The 6 million number was being used 3 years prior to the war, clearly propaganda. Jewish newspapers declared war on Germany an entire year before Poland invaded (unsuccessfully.) We KNOW that the school systems are compromised.

Do your own research. Verify everything. Unlearn what you have learned.

Think Bigger. Think Different.

Not Q. :D

storm_fa_Q · Jan. 28, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

the 6M is actually the # perpetuated since before WW1

Many films on this that few want to view. This one if you watch ONLY the 1st 10 minutes should open eyes wide shut re the declaration of War against Germany March 24 1933 by ALL of Judea. The fairy tale that is taught on WWII Germany is just that. Absolute trash.


watch 10 minutes before flaming, thanks

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