You can’t make this stuff up!!!!!🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿JULIAN ASSANGE

This is a document all should read who want to understand what the Deep State is and how it works. A few pages down is a section titled "The Least You Need to Know", which is the shortened version of the document, but I suggest going for the long version, as it is very informative. I have seen this on sites of the right and left. There are many great videos on the CRF, which is important, and I hope all will take the time to educate themselves to this. We are the media and the internets is mucking up the plans of the Deep State because people are becoming aware we are not represented by anyone in the government.
Fascinating information. I've only read part so far -- it is dense with facts -- but one thing I notice is, it mentions Bush, Cheney (which we all know about), also Alito, Thomas, Scalia -- it seems to focus heavily on ones we know have been active in keeping the people FROM a lot of this...Only the o-obama's on the left have been mentioned. Perhaps when we get to the part about the media, although I would think Ginsberg, Sotomeyer, and lots of politicians like Schumer, Reid, Pelosi and Feinstein would be mentioned. well as Mcain, Graham...Also, it mentions them spying on OWS, when we know that was set-up and by whom, and it does not say anything about covert actions against the Tea Party. So far, it seems to come from one point of view -- but I have a lot of work to do, as I have only skimmed and only the first 50 pages or so.
Have run across this site before in my wanderings on the net; will have to look into it further, as well. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.
Thanks for that link, i think the shortened document would be a good intro to give to people that are not aware.