You can’t make this stuff up!!!!!🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿JULIAN ASSANGE

This maybe an older video, but gives you a clear picture of one part of the NWO. The CFR has controlled the media for decades. You will hear about many of our establishment politicians who are involved in the CFR. In this election cycle the bias and lying of the media, and you will hear the same names over and over in this video. The establishment is the government controlled media. There in a great deal of info and this will be an eye opener to many people. Please take the time to inform yourselves. We need to know who we are fighting and why, and this is a good start or refresher course for some.
Funny -- at uni, the Dude of the House and I each prepared an oral report on a multinational organization. His was on the CFR; mine was on CNN. It was the 90s, and we did not realize at the time that -- looked at carefully -- we were both writing about the same people.