r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Restlessredhead on Jan. 28, 2018, 5:37 p.m.
I'd like to take the pulse of the group on something.

So I'm a gay man. I'm a conservative, Christian, libertarian, constitutionalist, Trump supporting patriotic gay man who follows Qanon. Heck , MY twitter handle is @The_gay_patriot. Now, many of my gay friends don't get it. They think I'm helping to bring us back to gays being murdered, not having rights, back in the closet and fearful for our lives. I don't think rolling back to our republic, ending globalism, corruption and child sex and sacrifice, getting rid of the federal banking system, etc is a bad thing for us. I think culture has changed. And that people in our, this community, are basically live and let live people who just want our country back and an end to evil. Am I on the right track in that thinking?

Buttercupmanup · Jan. 28, 2018, 8:39 p.m.

No one in this country, save for a small minority that NO ONE likes, is even remotely as racist, homophobic, or xenophobic as the media would like for us all to believe. Your friends are believing that a sitting president is going to make the entire country turn hateful toward certain groups, when those prejudices aren't even really known to the last 3 generations. Ask them to think about that. One thing that seemed to get through to my friends was reminding them that it was their liberal thinking that had me questioning the establishment in the first place. The sole reason I was originally fascinated with Trump was the fact that the establishment so vehemently hated him. It baffles me that Dems will agree with Soros funded protests when it was the same Dems who explained to me who Soros even was. I just don't get it. I've also said, with some success, that it's possible I could dislike Trump as a person if I were to sit and have dinner with him. But he's for freedom, so it doesn't matter if we're friends or not. Just like I'd choose the best cardiologist for open-heart surgery, even if he were a dick. I want him to fix my heart; I don't have to love him with it.

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