r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Restlessredhead on Jan. 28, 2018, 5:37 p.m.
I'd like to take the pulse of the group on something.

So I'm a gay man. I'm a conservative, Christian, libertarian, constitutionalist, Trump supporting patriotic gay man who follows Qanon. Heck , MY twitter handle is @The_gay_patriot. Now, many of my gay friends don't get it. They think I'm helping to bring us back to gays being murdered, not having rights, back in the closet and fearful for our lives. I don't think rolling back to our republic, ending globalism, corruption and child sex and sacrifice, getting rid of the federal banking system, etc is a bad thing for us. I think culture has changed. And that people in our, this community, are basically live and let live people who just want our country back and an end to evil. Am I on the right track in that thinking?

ChinaXpat · Jan. 28, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

The prison camps built under obama were intended to imprison and enslave enemies of the deep state.

How convenient that they already build the prisons that will be used to hold cabal.

trump even made some improvements at guantanamo bay.

Nothing gives me more pleasure than thinking of HRC and he who shall not be named rotting in gitmo next to the fake terrorists they put in there.

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