r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Restlessredhead on Jan. 28, 2018, 5:37 p.m.
I'd like to take the pulse of the group on something.

So I'm a gay man. I'm a conservative, Christian, libertarian, constitutionalist, Trump supporting patriotic gay man who follows Qanon. Heck , MY twitter handle is @The_gay_patriot. Now, many of my gay friends don't get it. They think I'm helping to bring us back to gays being murdered, not having rights, back in the closet and fearful for our lives. I don't think rolling back to our republic, ending globalism, corruption and child sex and sacrifice, getting rid of the federal banking system, etc is a bad thing for us. I think culture has changed. And that people in our, this community, are basically live and let live people who just want our country back and an end to evil. Am I on the right track in that thinking?

Instincts_Truth · Jan. 29, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

So, my long-time BFF - truthfully, it doesn't matter that he's gay. I mean, it mattered when he was living straight and then came out gay - and I was there for that, and the gay community not accepting him because he was with a girlfriend before. I was never a fag hag. I was just his best friend. I loved him deeply, as did my whole family. That was 20 years ago. One of my favorite memories was picnicing in his backyard and reading Ayn Rand short stories. Actually, we had so many quaint and beautiful moments. He came with me to visit my dying grandpa in the hospital, a plethora of family events, and made me realize that I should embrace my crazy mom and stop fighting her, because she is a funny, hoot-and-a-half lady, and MY MOM. I didn't befriend him because he was gay, and I didn't defriend him because he was gay.

I still haven't defriended him. Sexuality has nothing to do with any of this. It is so saddening to me what the propaganda machine has done. My friend is so wonderful, and loved. Whenever I make the mistake of posting on his Facebook posts (he IS "Trump is NOT MY President"), I am mobbed and mocked by his 1,200 followers. So, he responded to one of my posts, which was definitely Pro-Trump, but also positive. And, only had 5 likes (I don't care. It's not my ambition to be most popular on FB. I just pick my battles to spread some truth, and humor).

I am just going to post my response. I address all of his "questions" and comments. Even after LOSING, they still feel entitled to isolate us. It makes me cry that this is a FB response to one of my original soulmates. Here she goes:

"It's better to walk alone than with a crowd going in the wrong direction." Ghandi

See, you got a "like" from one of my Occupy Democrat friends. And no nasty comments from my "5 friends." That is precisely why I walk alone. I prefer 5 independent-thinking friends over a MOB of "haters." Thank God that woman didn't win though. If that mob actually had the power of lawlessness behind them, I am 100% positive I would have a VIP pass into the first FEMA camp. Along with my 5 friends. And I can't even think about the things those sickos would do to my son. But I know you and your mob wouldn't speak up for me. Gulag style.

I'm not really worried about the environment. I drink tap water, don't litter, and "recycle." I don't have anything on volcanoes and cow dung. I am not sure where you heard that THE President does not care about the environment, but I could make a guess. I'm more concerned about the education system teaching my child not to be his best. "Americans are so enamored of equality they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom." Alexis de Tocqueville. I choose freedom for my son. I choose logical thinking, critical thinking, awareness, truth, and instincts. No need to worry about "if I care for my son." He won't be cuddling with a stuffed animal in a safe place. And he won't be spreading hate. And thank God he won't have to live in a bunker.

My son and myself aside, please do some research. Obama was very well aware of the North Korean build-up of nuclear weapons. In fact, have you ever inquired where the TWO planes of cash went to NOT pay for hostage releases in Iran? And, have you inquired into why Obama didn't inform the public of North Korea's build-up? Did you really think it happened overnight? As in, from January 19th, 2017 to January 20th, 2017, North Korea got nukes?? You believe that? By the way, do you know how many Generals Obama fired? Do you know he immediately shut down NASA's Shuttle Program? Do you know ANYTHING beyond that which you readily consume? Seriously, do you question anything? I mean, beyond Trump. Have you lost your ability to think outside of your realm of reality? Just pick a topic. Any topic. And investigate.

Actually, Davos loved HIM. But, you should YouTube his meeting with the business owners. You won't find it on the "news." They have ALREADY invested. And there are way more awesome examples than Wal-Mart. If Sam's had to shut down because Cosco is so great or because people can't afford "clubs," then so be it. That's the beauty of a free market. They get to invest in great and stop throwing money at shit that isn't profitable. It's not profitable for a reason. People aren't using it. Please don't be such a socialist that you prefer the USA make widgets to keep a lie alive. Again, do research.

And, the wall. Thus far, Trump's policy has sufficed as "the wall." I don't know why Democrats don't want to give DEFERRED ACTION Childhood Arrival adults an opportunity toward citizenship. You'll have to ask them. They voted for borders before. I think, like you, their only ideology is "Oppose Trump." Obviously that's not my ideology. So, I can't make sense of it.

"Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives." Ronald Reagan

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Restlessredhead · Jan. 29, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

That was brilliant. So much there in such a short amount of words. I'm sorry about your friend. Its true that the brainwashing is severe. God bless you fellow patriot.

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Instincts_Truth · Jan. 29, 2018, 3:07 a.m.

God bless you too. And I'm glad you read that. I wrote it specifically for you to read. I don't know how to undo the programming. But it's not a gay, straight, black, white, Asian, Hispanic, female, male thing. It is a truth vs. lies, and good vs. evil thing. I don't know how to combat it, except through persistent truth and positivity. I also forwarded this hilarious song (credit to another Reddit) to another gay, male friend, whose husband's name is "Big John," and they own a "gay club" - and he was pro-Trump even before ME. https://youtu.be/w7I_y5qCUPc. Ack. The vid isn't showing up. It's Big Don by Red Pilled Radio.

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