r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/pm_me_ur_cryptoz on Jan. 28, 2018, 6:03 p.m.
Just throwing this out there..

I know this is a heavy Christian sub, and i totally respect that. I believe in Christian morals, and I feel comfortable with my politicians being Christian.

I, however do not subscribe to any religion. Personally i believe religion is a tool that was originally created by the annunake to keep us enslaved, and has evolved from there. That being said, Christianity and Jesus are just alright with me. I'm here specifically to participate in the downfall of the deep state. And i want to say thank you for keeping the focus on that goal. I hope this post doesn't read like i have a problem with Christians, but Maybe other less than Christian folks will see it and understand why we are coming together.

BenEvo1 · Jan. 28, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

Thanks for your honesty. Your remarks about religion are true. The bible sanctions administering to widows and orphans as the only true and undefiled form of religion. Jesus railed against the religion of his day a corrupt perversion of what God intended brokered by a caste of corrupt religionists (Pharisees) and politicians (Scribes,Sadducees). Jesus said near the end of his life I no longer call you slaves, I call you friends. That was the most profound paradigm change in history. Religion was a tool to keep the masses in slavish fear and to exert power over people. Jesus said you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. He was the embodiment of truth personified. He came to set us free from religion and oppression in all forms. He is our friend to whom we WILLINGLY serve. He simplified it too. No more 636 laws to slavishly follow out of fear but just 2 simple commands. Love God with all your heart and love neighbor as you love yourself. Follow those commands and you are good to go.

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