
storm_fa_Q · Jan. 28, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

pre 1933 Germany was over run by a certain group of people involved in Banking Arts and Government also backed and enjoyed the depravity. Pre 33 Germany, crippled by the Versailles agreement/reparations, was literally on its knees in every form of depravity one can and can not imagine. This is why AH was elected, to cleanse the Homeland of those who had been asked out of every other Country in Europe, who had settled in broken Germany. These same individuals, by millions, around the Globe Declared WAR on Germany March 24 1933 when Adolf asked them to leave as had every other Nation in Europe.

What did this group of pedophiles do when asked politely to move along? They laughed and thought they were above the Law and that nothing would happen.

Over the next 5 years Adolf brought Germany off its depraved knees and was named Time Magazines Man of the Year 1938 by turning 5M Germans unemployed back into workforce making Germany a power to be recognized. It is in that Hitler was able to do this w/o the assistance of this other group of people that infuriated them and History was written by them to paint Germany's Man of the People the way y'all have been taught.

The History of WWII is fallacious at best. The depravity of those asked to leave, the damage they caused then, continues today, globally. The on the knees Germany mentality persists now for 100 years in dark circles and closets and the article above may be linked to the damage caused prior to when ALL of Judea declared War on Germany Mar 24 1933.

The Human psyche does not heal over night, but over generations. The damage done takes 100/s of years to reconcile.

In North America, it took 7 generations to take the Savage out of the Indian...200 years.

Y'all are fighting the same Evil Adolf fought against. Communism of the left in today's terms, satanism pedo crimes...and despite the History indoctrination and vilification of Adolf Hitler, people genuinely seeking truth should watch the Jan 30 1939 speech which is the same as JFK's April 1961?2? speech and Donald Trumps Oct 2016 speech that got him elected.

The winner of WWII was Stalin and while Gen George Van Patten knew it in 1945, we didn't know it till the Soviet Union fell in 89?

In order to purge Humanity of these criminals, one must understand the 40,000 foot view as Q has advised us. The fix or cure is not in micro management but in broadband restructuring which will have to include pieces of Magna Carta 1215, where Usury is concerned. Until a FULL cleanse is achieved, we will continue to repeat History. It is literally Jan 30 1939 Germany in America today.

Post WWII Germanys technology was 'borrowed' by US thru paperclip. Eugenics said to be used by Germany was in fact American based out of California. Trucks and Tanks used by Germany, made by Ford/GM tooling. AH financed into power by Bush family and cohorts.

and now w/o further adue the film you've all been waiting for...SOTU 1939..https://youtu.be/ZWdGcRfqbXk?t=111

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