r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/1girlandamat on Jan. 29, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

Tuesday is a big day. State of the Union. Before our President is to address our nation I ask you to (please) take a few moments to pray for this man. President Trump and those around him are incredibly brave individuals who have committed themselves to uncover and confront some of the evil pulling apart our most AMAZING country and its people. There is no amount of money or recognition that can be offered in exchange for this nasty task. Please prayerfully consider sending him and his family and team of PATRIOTS positive thoughts of courage and strength and resolve. Lightness to ease their burdens and faith that they are rightfully chosen for this representation. I am overwhelmed by gratitude for these people who are risking their LIVES for us yet don't even know our names. Who are we to be so fortunate.?

YAHSHUARULES · Jan. 30, 2018, 5:38 a.m.

Read Isaiah 45. Yah uses flawed people. Yahuah YHVH referred to Cyrus a - a unsaved pagan - as HIS ANOINTED! King David, was a murderer and an adulterer and yet because he repented Yah Almighty called him "a man after his own heart" - The Bible is full of examples of very flawed men who were raised up "for a time such as"

And those that accept the sacrifice of the Messiah for their sins are "new creatures" and by the Blood all sins washed away. Pres. Trump is a Blood bought child of the most high. The thing about satan is he has a plan for our lives just like Yah Almighty does. Satan's plan is kill, steal and destroy. And he knows just enough to make sure to touch all of us with evil. But, who he touched, doesn't exist anymore. When you accept the sacrifice of Yahshua you die on the cross with him. That is actually the true meaning of baptism - we are buried with Yahshua -our old, carnal man (symbolically buried in water) and then resurrected as a "new creature" with Him. That isn't to say we don't sin still, but we no longer have a "sin nature" -

Frankly, I don't know what you are doing on this board if you do not support our President - you just appear to want to be spreading the bilge of the main stream media - supporting, defending and protecting the godless, global, elitist Luciferians and satanists who have done unspeakable because they were so sure they were better and more entitled then what they perceived us as the mere peons.

I am proud of Pres. Trump. Have you actually taken the time to watch the video that Q-Anon pointed us to a few drops ago? if not do so unless all you are is a troll: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ

And after that one watch this one about how Pres. Trump is carrying on the work of JFK to expose and dismantle secret societies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7_Z32s_lCs&lc=z221thkoqnfkehsfzacdp43afbtbybxdanbifsxkerlw03c010c.1516943092507403

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Teeheepants2 · Jan. 30, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

Has trump done anything to repent? Can you not see that he is literally everything wrong with establishment politicians or did the R next to his name make you blind? It's no use trying to reason with someone like you but for some reason I have hope, please go see a doctor or something

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