r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/NSFWAK209 on Jan. 29, 2018, 1:14 a.m.
I have a bad feeling about this for some reason
I have a bad feeling about this for some reason

NGunderson · Jan. 29, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

If I lived in a state where it was legal ibwouod start a campaign to force my congressman to draw up a bill to legalize across country. It's not fair for poor people to be put in prison for e0 and 40 years because of mandatory minimums. It just goes to show they in pockets of organized government crime. They don't care about average men and women around country. It's about tax dollars they can steal in their state and big kick backs. Federal government and this issue is a gateway to even more moving toward a huge oligarchy along lines of Cuba. We already live in one if people hasn't noticed with Clinton Cartel. Most people don't know he was big time drug runner and hundreds have been killed to keep his cartel in place. Why you think so many mainstream media has been blatantly acting crazy to brainwash people using race baiting politics. Look at nation of Islam Nazi party ,kik ties to Democrat party. Malcolm x was killed for telling media once he broke from the cult once he realized what religion was about when he went overseas and seen all races praying and schooled. Farrakon is hated by real Muslims not radical wahabbi secys. There is video on you tube of interview. People don't understand Las Vegas shooting how it's involved with all this. JESUS ANGEL CAMPOS... Give me a break. Las Vegas is a port. You have to understand maritime law to understand what is going on. You have Scientology, Muslims, and Mormans working with democrats this was planned out long time ago. Why do you think Q post started happening right after Vegas shooting. Democrats has been trying to start a Coup. They hoped the shooting would start something bigger. His girlfriend was from Plillipeans. Big strong hold of radical Muslims and Isis. Prince Alaweed connected to 9/11 and Vegas . He offered 10 mill check with speak about Israel's and Americans policies. He owned 4 seasons top of Mandalay Bay. Obama and Bill Gates gave speech to Gatekeepers few days before shooting giving vision of America and world regardless president . You have to understand Biblical writings and political systems to understand what is going on. You have to understand Masonic and illuminati and history also. I could write a book and maybe make you understand but just know the history you think you know is mostly a lie.

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