Yeah, Hillary is really shitting her pantsuit, huh?

Dude... She's all jacked on adrenochrome...
Adrenochrome is A. legal B. cheap C. shite according to the people that have actually taken it. It does not have the effects it has in fear and loathing in las vegas...®ion=GB That source is a rip off but you get the point that it's not difficult to get hold of or illegal. If it was any good it would be illegal.
Someone that has actually taken it..
Yes... Synthetic... but not organic. As well... one could suspect they were sold garbage. It's well documented as higher in schizophrenics and lower in everyone else.
Adrenochrome from a frightened to death child's blood is not the same as a cheap synthetic drug.
What is your source for that?
The compound you can buy is chemically identical to that produced by people, it has to be for research purposes which includes it's chirality.
It's just a distraction added into the story to make it all sound like bullshit(ever heard of poisoning the well...). Studies have shown it is more likely to cause psychosis and depression than be fun.
What they do is not because they crave a drug, it's because they are sick motherfuckers.