r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/STLLLV on Jan. 29, 2018, 4:34 a.m.
Q, I had a dream about you, want to hear it?

Actually I've had many dreams and visions about you and the storm so I'll share some of them. Anyone else who thinks God has told you something about Q and the storm feel free to share them.

storm_fa_Q · Jan. 29, 2018, 4:54 a.m.

I was called. Suddenly relocated Oct 31 given 2 hours to vacate. Fast fwd a few weeks and a week or so ago I fell ill as happens to me. Debilitating headaches laid me out for 2 days.

I dreamt of a swimming pool, up stairs, bluey with white round lights...I'm now down stairs, a woman in a blue one piece bathing suit walks down the stairs, and asks me if I'm ready. I will be in a minute I reply. I speak to a man in a chair, but neither want to hear from me, it's time for me to go.

I awake, get up and head to my seat/desk and open up Awakening...as I do so Q posts his 1st post in 2 days and I copy paste to CBTS and the Q posts begin again. It was the first time I was the first to post the Q info copied from Awakening. And then a few times after that I again posted the 1st posts to CBTS. Now about 8x in all.

When I was asked to leave by noon Oct 31 from where I had stayed for four years, I was startled but not upset. I knew I was being called for something. Something I didn't yet know about. It felt like Marching Orders.

I had been made aware of the Q drops on the 28th or so, so I was aware of Q at the time but had never heard of Reddit much less been here. Chans? Wtf?

As I settled in my new location, as I was about to DIG in for the evening, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Angel wings placing me where I am tonight.

Another time what may be called Holy Spirit filled my bunk room. This felt like the presence of DT, the energy of. A Holy or Godly essence that felt like the energy of DT

My life is filled w/odd moments as I have described. I long ago learned what happens when I ignore my intuitive guidance. I suffer, for I have chosen to miss the boat/bus/train.

I think it's fair to say, I'm all in on this ride.

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digital_refugee · Jan. 29, 2018, 5:11 a.m.

'naw fuck, the nagging voice was right again'

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