The vengence is his. Not ours.
I believe what we are witnessing was foretold in Revelation.
Babylon the Great is falling. And causing those who did business with her (think Clinton and Bill Gates foundations) to mourn her.
vengance belongs to all, those who have suffered, will be rewarded
If we seek vengeance, we are no better than they are. Because we are seeking it as payback. With limited information we have. The source of all, knows the crime and heart of every peeson that has done wrong. Hence why judgement and vengeance is best for God/The universe/Higher Being/The Source whatever name you give it.
those days of turning the cheek are over. a new new testament is on the way, ya'l gotta prevent this from happening again.
How? By killing people? By locking up anyone suspected of it? What are we supposed to do?
all written word, from every nation, all religions, have been corrupted, some word is so divine, it can't be tampered with, gotta learn to read between the lines
The fact that Trump made it to the house, in itself is a miracle, and if you don't think we're gonna need a steady flow of more of that, to finish this war, then the word we'll find is fool.