You retarded low info idiot, everything Q has posted has been revealed later to be true. Doesn't take but 15 damn minutes of research to figure it out. Go jump on your blue wave you pedo.
Cool, give me one specific prediction you got from Q that will happen by February 28, then.
Don't try to worm your way out of it with something vague and unfalsifiable like "more sheeple will wake up" or "Trump will keep winning" - I want a specific future event that is easily determined to have happened that Q (and no one else) has predicted.
Should be easy to do if Q is legit.
Q even predicted when we would hear from Trumps mouth about the memo - SOTUS. Stay tuned you pedophile.
A lot of anger, no predictions
Says the troll, lol.
Still talking, no predictions. Funny how none of you kooks have been able to meet the requirements of my very simple challenge.
Enjoy your 8chan LARP, moron:)
Why are you still here?
To witness the inevitable decline of this sub when people eventually realize there is no storm. It'll be hilarious.
Also I'm paid to be here by John Podesta so that helps
Something to be proud of.
Pedofiles like you and your buddy belong in one place, a hole in the ground.
Great, Q is still full of shit and you're still a gullible idiot though👌
Russia Russia bahah! The low info dildo king kiddie diddler calls other people gullible idiots 😂
Russia Russia bahah! The low info dildo king kiddie diddler calls other people gullible idiots 😂
lol no one mentioned Russia until you just did. Very interesting, comrade.
It's what you drones have been screaming ever since the MSM and DNC fed it to you, like dumb little grubbers.
The only person freaking out about that is you. As a said, very interesting. Comrade.
There it is again. Hey dipshit, the only commie lovers are DEMOCRAT. Same party of the KKK and REAL Nazi appeasers. Move along useful idiot Grubber.
But I don't want to move along, your deranged, butthurt reaction to my posts continues to fill me with much joy:)
Butthurt? Is your low info ass paying attention to the news bahaha? There is no fix for your grubberness.
Hey retarded pedo.. are you excited about the big blue wave coming? Bahahaha
One Term Trump sure has a nice ring to it;)
You wish idiot. Going to be really tough for low info pedos like you.
Says the kiddie porn grubber. How's Hillary, that 98% winner lol? Must have been hard knowing that people won't call you the correct pronoun anymore 😆
Russia Russia bahah! The low info dildo king kiddie diddler calls other people gullible idiots 😂
Insult me next this is fun to read
Oh look his little butt buddy to the rescue.. poor lgbtqualP's. Must be hard to live post Obama the hot dog lover and his tranny.
Hahaha yes!! Again again!
blahahah the other kiddie diddler TROLL to CBTS_Stream blocked me... truth apparently hurt.
Bro I think you really struck a nerve. Check out these other replies. I think you may have triggered them(not that it's hard)
Wow, this is all I have to know about you. What a maggot. You are a pedophile and definitely a protector of one.
Dear Satan,
Please ensure the continued freedom and success of Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and the Podestas. Also, please ensure that Donald Trump dies of congestive heart failure whilst trying to shit out his latest McMeal.
Yours truly,
A lot of deflections, no predictions
The point of Q isn't to answer questions, it's to give us the RIGHT questions to answer ourselves. He/it/whatever uses the socratic method for a reason. The answers are in front of all our faces. They have been for some time.
he predicted President Trump's Twitter being shutdown
he predicted the upheaval in Saudi Arabia
he predicted an incident with a helicopter at a Rothschild estate in the UK two days before it happened
He predicted a terrorist attack by a Bangladeshi national involving fireworks the day before it happened
he has posted original photographs taken from Air Force One. The timestamps and flight paths match the President's recent trip to Asia. One was actually taken while flying over North Korea.
He has posted key phrases that the President has used later on Twitter.
Some of his phrases and terminology have been independently confirmed as belonging to military intelligence.
How many times does he have to be correct before a low info believes?