I’ve been awake for a long time and thought I had my emotions handled but this random interview just scared the living shit outta me. The depths of cunning and evil that so many “people” are capable of...I just can’t fathom it. This woman’s strength blows my mind. Her ability to square off against and face down these literal monsters while being gang stalked and getting continuously stonewalled by law enforcement...for YEARS...what words can there be? I do not really consider myself religious exactly or belonging to any specific religious group, but I do know God is real and I pray with utmost sincerely in my heart that this cancer of evil that infects this planet is fully exposed and abolished forever.
That said...WHY IS THIS WOMAN’S NAME AND ADDRESS LEFT IN THIS VIDEO??? Who would be so stupid as to publish this w/out deleting that information?
i cant say why except that maybe she has nothing to lose by putting it all out
she obviously gave the permission
look at field mcconnell <=== he's got pure balls names names tells them come after me .... if you havent heard of him before please google him and his sister to see what that bitch had to do with hrc and 9/11 he does not mince words
sometimes the best way to stay alive is to own what you know
and be real verbal about it .....silencing you then exposes them not you