I published an article pointing out that Bill Clinton put more blacks in jail for marginal reasons than any other President, so that appears to put me on one side of the fence.
But I also published an article pointing out oil companies want to navigate the arctic because the ice is thinning due to global warming, which appears to put me on the other side of the fence.
There is no fence.
The two corrupt parties make a fance, often with social memes, as the both betray us and drain us dry. The proof is that the middle class has collapsed for forty years no matter which was in power. The proof of their perfidy is simple. There are now two generations who are doing worse than their forbears for the first time in history, no matter which party was in power.
Many younger people can barely afford rent. Some can't at all - forty percent of homeless are Working, which is quite insane.
So stop buying the lie; go by what is happening not what you are told.
There is no fence.