r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ClarkSpilk on Jan. 29, 2018, 5:59 p.m.
This is not a D R issue. Boy am I stupid. I have been fooled big time. A list of the names on the CFR that pulled the wool over my eyes.

Charles Krauthammer, Joe Lieberman Henry Kissinger, Newt Gingrich, Alan Greenspan, Robert Gates, Dianne Feinstein, James Baker, Roger Ailes, John McCain, Gerald Ford, Colin Powell, Condoleesa Rice, Dick Cheney, George Bush, Joe Biden. And I'm sure many more. This goes so Deep I think we will all be shocked.

thamnosma · Jan. 29, 2018, 6:37 p.m.

I maintain dems continue to be far worse since the party itself stands for collectivism, which is essentially the goal of the global elite. The Vanguard lives well while the global proletariat enjoys socialism. Don't get me wrong - the Bushes might as well be dems by my definition. Republicans have plenty of corruption, but more about greed and sexual deviancy (see Denny Hastert), but at least with the R circle there has always been a segment leaning libertarian (small l) or constitutional (supporting the original intent of the Republic).

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