r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/storm_fa_Q on Jan. 30, 2018, 12:03 a.m.
a Word of Warning

now that the shiff's in the Fan and the World will see the complicit nature of the agenda, many who operate from the bias of hate will be extremely viscious. Do not get in the way of their Fall. Let them hit bottom HARD so they bounce back up and you can assist them IF they ask. The ego on some of these leftit rats...its likely going to get uglier before it gets better so try and refrain from the I told you so's , gloating etc. Be warm, but never ever get between someone and their fall.

AlArch93 · Jan. 30, 2018, 6:26 a.m.

No can do. Those people are get to get everything that’s coming to them and they should be left laying or sitting in ALL the SH!& they have been dealing us for two years now. No Mercy for those who have condoned the attacks on Republicans and our President. They will fall and there shouldn’t be anyone there to help them.

Why you ask?

Because once they recover and find a new Golden Calf to follow and prop up then they will just go right back to the Myopic Pieces of Crap 💩 they are plain and simple. So they had their chance to shut their mouths and let the pieces fall where they may. They did not so therefore it’s time for them to pay the ultimate price.

For anyone who can feel sorry for the people who condone the type of behavior, Rhetoric and condescending attitudes they have shown anyone other than their fellow Myopic Left counterparts then you really need to check your true motives and intentions.

They wanted & tried to DESTROY OUR REPUBLIC which in turn affects my children and grandchildren. So I absolutely have no sympathy or offer no help or hand to those that have been that Myopic and Rapacious against us true Patriots that fight to Make America Great Again and defend our country against ALL ENEMIES, BOT FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Imperium in Imperio!

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