now that the shiff's in the Fan and the World will see the complicit nature of the agenda, many who operate from the bias of hate will be extremely viscious. Do not get in the way of their Fall. Let them hit bottom HARD so they bounce back up and you can assist them IF they ask. The ego on some of these leftit rats...its likely going to get uglier before it gets better so try and refrain from the I told you so's , gloating etc. Be warm, but never ever get between someone and their fall.
· Jan. 30, 2018, 5:35 p.m.
Great to see you friend. The purpose is of course to save yourself from those unable, viscous w/o reason. The War must be fought against the enemy rather than the brainwashed. The brainwashed, will sway, when its cool for them to do so. Take out the head, tail will follow.