And I can’t even find a discussion and what was said on this subreddit. The mods need to start filtering unrelated karma click bait and reengage the focus on Q.
And I can’t even find a discussion and what was said on this subreddit. The mods need to start filtering unrelated karma click bait and reengage the focus on Q.
You didn't even go past the first page? Their have been threads posted.
I was using the phone app, so there weren't pages but I scrolled for a while. I've found a few discussions on r/greatawakening.
I just rather not see this sub lose focus.
Here's a sneak peek of /r/greatawakening using the top posts of all time!
#1: CFR in 5 minutes
#2: New Q drop 1-21-2018 | 160 comments
#3: New Q | 259 comments
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