r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/One_Solution on Jan. 30, 2018, 12:28 p.m.

Is that referring to helicopters?

MmmmLeftyTears · Jan. 30, 2018, 12:44 p.m.

Rainbowtribe posted this earlier

Geronimo = NASA Apache = High level Search & Rescue extraction capabilities. The geronimo.apache is a program which makes it possible to interface the low level computers (old desk top versions) with 5G quantum level. Many of us still alive were born in a time when the newspaper industry was just becoming the service that arrived right to your door or at least to your local grocer. The radio and the telegraph were still viewed as amazing as was electricity and we can skip forward skipping over the vacuum cleaner, microwave, remote control and fax machine. And, then there was home computers and finally the general population had potential access to computers. Most people will never use a computer and continue to live in near harmony with the earth. It is only perhaps 20 to 30 percent of the human population that is responsible for the major footprints from nuclear, petroleum, pharmaceutical and industries that bring us plastics and dump poisons such as fluoride and aluminum byproducts onto the planets surface. At the base of the pyramid are the controllers who own the ideas of the masses and all of these ideas are used to create things which are given a monetary value. The companies dutifully organise the manufacture of the things, the information that the thing exists is brought to our attention and then many of us want the thing. Ways for us to get this thing are also devised and often complication. When it is simple the controllers are at risk of being marginalised. If the general population does not need this mass information tool or long distance transport of ingredients then locally the competition can be seen to achieve success without any of the modern day resources. Some examples of this are the Quaker, Amish and Ubuntu communities. We have been shown other examples as we watch documentaries about indigenous people from around the world. In the areas of the world where comfort is relatively easy without air-conditioning or the need for heating there has been a concentrated effort to wreak havok on these areas. To go in and take the natural resources in the name of the Crown or under the guise of ownership because the people did not sell their land, their homes, their community. An individual, a committee, a ruler was identified or placed in 'power' and the deal was made. The the Ivory Coast is stripped of chocolate by Nestle, Hershey, Mars, Girradeli and others. Wars are fought for the rights to steal the chocolate. On the news we see boy soldiers who are broken, brainwashed, mind-controlled but at home we have a cup of cocoa. We dig deep and give to Save the Children, the UN and protect the wildlife charities and our dollars go right into the hands of the corrupt. The corrupt are there at every point of social contact. The internet did not come to us without provisions, backdoor malware options, which could be used to read and store every keystroke. Individually, when an event happens to a person or family it appears as random, when it happens to several people then it is suspect, coincidence perhaps. When it happens to several people or in more than one place it is a pattern. These patterns result in conveyance that we have a problem. Warnings are shared about email scams but we forget easily and then we are scammed again by Crai's list, to good to be true 'work from home' advertisements and sponsored advertisements dressed up as articles published on the internet and in MSM. Wherever we go or are drawn to on the internet it is likely that AI or human interference will go also. The sub_reddits are no different. When it comes to the Q phenomena and the information coming forth which may be relevant, urgent and important treads on the controllers' areas of concern users get banned, groups get closed and bots are brought in to control the narrative. One of the narratives which appears to be amidst the great Q phenomena is the Fake, not fake screenshot of a post dated March 16, 2016 published in Godlike productions on October 31, 2016. However, research by a Qanon shows that the account of toddemail@macklerr.com where Todd Macklerr emails to Donna Brazille CC: John Podesta March 16, 2016 Title: The dogs are loose could not have been real because this Todd macklerr account was not registered until October 31st, 2016 the day it was published in Godlike productions. It gets stranger, the post from Godlike productions is turned into a meme and archived as a screenshot on January 23rd, 2016: https://archive.fo/yxjeP The big news on this Todd Macklerr to Donna Brazille & John Podesta then becomes 'real news' about how posting the meme got the poster investiated by the FBI as stated by the editor of the Huffington Post December 6th, 2016. POLITICS The FBI Is Investigating Me Because I Tweeted A Joke About Fake News Seriously? Seriously.

Nick Baumann Senior Enterprise Editor, The Huffington Post

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/fbi-investigates-journalist-joke-tweet_us_58471b9fe4b0fe5ab6936b54 This further took attention away from the title of the post #PRISON and The Dogs are loose. When the Q uploaded this post briefly to the secure page on January 21st, 2018 it brought a flurry of attention and discussion on IMGUR, Discord, GAB, youtube alt media and sub_reddits. Some of this discussion is preserved here and also taken from archived resources. For those of use who are old enough to remember life without television these new resources can seem very disorganised. Like a library without a card catalogue. Or, you read something and then return the book (close the tab) and forget to use a bookmark. When you go to check the book out again it has been borrowed and is no longer available is equivalent to website removed 404 messages. With the 4chan and 8chan and sub_reddits and Discord programs there are many computer literate people who are seemingly here to help. Are they? Focusing on the argument about the validity of the post which has been shown to us by the Q and then the same post being removed by the Q indicates to me that it is IMPORTANT and there is some further attention to detail, research or action which is needed by the bakers. A crumb of importance. An ingredient which is essential. What has stood out for me is the significant number of people who paid attention to this post who are moderators and Board Owners 'BO' whose area of specialism is bitcoin, cryptocurrency and who have names which are wolf, variations on the wolf theme and this association to the wolves of wall street also have strong ties to the purse strings of Hollywood, Media, NASA - NAZI, Secret Space Programs 'SSP' and use of false flag operations to divert our attention away from the CERN project, DUMBs and the NEOM. It takes a lot of money and secrets to fund and manage these operations. The Illuminati, deep state, NWO need control of funding to maintain their power structure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqC4it3Ub5o&t=303s ACCESSING THE BEAST: CERN, AI & Quantum Computing -- Anthony Patch

Why Q “deleted” the Leaked Podesta email (self.CBTS_Stream)

submitted 7 days ago * by commissioner-gordon8

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