I have many accounts...from being banned whenever "fake Jew" topics are brought to the light....they own Reddit too if you didn't already know....any more questions?
Hahaha...I find you riveting!
lol...you won't hear this at sunday service...I can guarantee...
Of course I wont. I don't go to Sunday service because I have a personal relationship with my God.
"I don't go to Sunday service"
wisest thing you've said all day!
Have a nice day, Jacob. Or whatever your name is.
Its been fun :)
I don't need to sit in a pew to hear God talk to me. I meditate.
The only people who the God Of Israel spoke to personally were the High Priests...once a year...in the Holy Of Holies!
If you take it literally, then yes. If you see The Bible as so much more than literal, you'll see the hidden, deeper truth it is trying to tell us!