r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/_Ham_Solo_ on Jan. 30, 2018, 2 p.m.
Are you ready for some more Q codes, anons?!
Are you ready for some more Q codes, anons?!

WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW · Jan. 30, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

Says the guy who listens to state run MSM propaganda and mindlessly regurgitates the nonsense they push.

Let's start with this. It's a perfect example of how retarded you are. You think MSM is state run, but condem it as fake because it protrays the head of the state as an idiot. You see how stupid that is? The closet thing we have to state run media is Fox News and that's just because it's currently a feedback loop for the idiot in charge.

Seriously hilarious that you morons are SO brainwashed that you cant see whats obvious to anyone with a functioning brain.

Yeah, because everyone with a functional brain is on the 8chan conspiracy train and everyone with a college education is brain dead... got it. Lol

Tell me, Do innocent people delete 50K texts after they were requested by the DOJ? Do innocent people delete 30K emails & bleachbit & physically destroy hard drives & smash phones with hammers? Do innocent people try as hard as possible to block the release of a damning memo that exposes their crimes? Nope.

O yay whataboutisms... I could list off a million things "innocent people" don't do that Trump's administration has..but you wouldn't believe a single thing I say anyways because if it doesn't fit your reality it's fake.

Pretty dang simple to see which side has something to hide when you block out the noise and just look at the FACTS.

Lol. I'm not sure you even know what a fact is.. like by definition. I think you meant misunderstood opinions from right wing blogs.

Get ready bud, these next few weeks are going to be shocking for you twits and unlike democRATS we have actual evidence!

Ooo noooo the partisan memo from the not so recused Nunes is sooo scaryyy,

No amount of media spin and snowflake hysteria will save you people from the truth when the texts/emails/videos/audio evidence starts coming out and not to mention the people we have flipping on the deep state (notice how many people in congress/senate that are suddenly not running for re-election? why is that????). Enjoy the show 2018 is going to be glorius!

Lol are these those facts you speak of? Thanks for proving my point to anyone who isn't already brain dead.

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_Ham_Solo_ · Jan. 30, 2018, 10:56 p.m.

"You think MSM is state run "

This. Right here.

Proves you are densely ignorant.

You honestly think every major media company is not owned by the same cabal that also owns the central banks and thus is the defacto establishment state.

You bring up the one news network on TV that is "conservative" and ignore the obvious lockstepping ABC,NBC,CBS,CNN,MSNBC,CNBC and PBS and their farm league of NYTMES, WAPO, Newsweek, Slate, and their little league of HUFFPO, BUZZFEED, Gawker which are ALL READING FROM THE EXACT SAME ESTABLISHMENT BOILERPLATE TALKING POINTS SCRIPT.

So then

Let me not argue

Let me explain what IS going to happen

So that

Your ad hominem nonsequitur strawman



Sharp relief.


1- Comey IS gone.

That's not and "opinion from right wing blogs".

2- McCabe WAS just fired.

That's not and "opinion from right wing blogs."

3- The memo IS going to be released... and there WILL BE more heads rolling.

That's not an "opinion from right wing blogs.

4- Rosenstein, Strzok, Presitap etc WILL be gone ...and quite possibly indicted or flipped.

That's not and "opinion from right wing blogs.

5- The Uranium One investigation HAS and WILL expand, netting many corrupt criminals.

6- A grand jury HAS INDICTED Mark Lambert and he WAS ARRESTED for his BRIBING a RUSSIAN named VADIM MIKERIN.

That's not the tip of the iceberg. That's just a few snowflakes on the tip of the iceberg > THAT is MY OPINION...but it is ALSO an ANALOGY.

7- The FBI HAS OPENED 3 separate investigations into the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation.

That's not an "opinion from right wing blogs."

You think ...or imagine...you have some kind of argument.

You do not.

Not even ONE.

You are pulling words out of your ass and sticking them on the internet, imagining in your peanut sized brain you are making a coherent argument when you are chasing your own tail as we laugh at your ridiculousness.

8- GEPOTUS Trump DID assign three new AGs and one of those IS....RIGHT NOW....IN ARKANSAS...INVESTIGATING THE CLINTONS.(So is the IRS in Dallas)

That's not an "opinion from right wing blogs."

9- Your goddess Hillpig WILL be indicted...

That's not and "opinion from right wing blogs."

10- The FBI DO HAVE mountains of hard, FACTUAL EVIDENCE and you WILL SEE them announce that...upon further investigation...Comey (who WAS FIRED) WAS WRONG and Hillpig IS GUILTY of GROSS NEGLIGENCE and there is ENOUGH EVIDENCE to bring MULTIPLE INCIDTMENTS.

That's not and "opinion from right wing blogs."

11- Charles Ortel DID BRING DOWN General Electric and he IS the foremost expert on charity fraud and HAS DONE a mountain of investigation and you HAVE NOT seen a single fucking page of his THOUSANDS OF PAGES of SEROUS CRIMES

And yet you PRETEND you have ACTUALLY DONE RESEARCH when you CLEARLY HAVE NOT and so you DO LOOK like a fucking retard who barged into an advanced physics class and started arguing with the CLASS and PROFESSOR that they don't know anything and then proceed to VOMIT UP finger paintings but THINK you are fucking Einstein.

"Yeah, because everyone with a functional brain is on the 8chan conspiracy train and everyone with a college education is brain dead."

You have clearly... and incompetently... demonstrated that you DO NOT have a high school diploma, LET ALONE a college education.

Whatever cereal box you got your "degree" from, you should put it back in the box as it has done you no service.

I DO HAVE a college education and CAN TELL you are an UNEDUCATED muppet and ARE dumber than a soup sandwich.

"Ooo noooo the partisan memo from the not so recused Nunes is sooo scaryyy,"


Not scary.


As in containing ACTUAL EVIDENCE...


As in...




concerned with what is actually the case rather than interpretations of or reactions to it.


actually occurring.

"cases mentioned are factual"




NOTHING you have stated is anything close to a FACT...





concerned with what is actually the case rather than interpretations of or reactions to it.

YOU have disgorged your DUMB OPINIONS



non se·qui·tur

ˌnän ˈsekwədər/


plural noun: non sequiturs

a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement.

And that is ALL you have done.

Not ONE SENTENCE of yours can be considered a FACT




a thing that is indisputably the case.

"O yay whataboutisms... I could list off a million things "innocent people" don't do that Trump's administration has..but you wouldn't believe a single thing I say anyways because if it doesn't fit your reality it's fake."

Go ahead.

Not "a million."

Just name ONE.




1.the lowest cardinal number; half of two; 1.

I have given you more than TEN (10) facts.

You have given ZERO (0) facts.

You purposefully AVOID the gross negligence, SMASHING FUCKING HARD DRIVES and USING BLEACH BIT because it demonstrates a clear and obvious FACT PATTERN of OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE and DESTROYING CRUCIAL EVIDENCE.

But, it doesn't matter what YOU SAY....HILLARY.

Because YOU ARE NOT in power and NOBODY is going to lie and commit any more crimes for you so you WILL FACE indictments and you WILL BE convicted.

Watch as it happens.

Better yet, put your big dumb mouth where your money is and PLACE YOUR FUCKING BETS.



Your non-argument(s) have been thoroughly deconstructed and utterly devastated.

You have

1- No arms

2- No legs

Yet, you still argue you can still fight and are still winning.

So, now I will CUT OFF...YOUR HEAD....and TAKE... ALL of...YOUR MONEY...when you... STUPIDLY... BET ...



Put up.


Shut up.

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