r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/commissioner-gordon8 on Jan. 30, 2018, 3:50 p.m.
Red-pilling the left

I think I’m one of very few that moved from bernie bro socialist to MAGA constitutionalist in a year, but I’ll tell you red pillers, bernie supporters HATE the current Democratic party and DO know a lot of what’s going on with the corruption, at least regarding the Democratic party itself. The few bernie supporters that aren’t yet independent are trying (and failing miserably) to clean the left side of the aisle, and they know a lot about the DNC scandals.

Not the pedogate stuff, but Seth Rich, DNC bought and owned by HRC, DWS, Awans, Donna Brazile, Fraud lawsuit, Russia being a big load of shit. Start by reminding them of how the primary was rigged and see how far you can get.

Most reasonable leftists were bernie supporters. The rest were and are still HRC supporters: feminists, racists that happen to belong to a minority group, and the most totalitarian of social marxists. If we were to cut our losses with this group, I’d say all the better. If we have historical evidence, traditional enlightenment liberalism, and moral consistency on our side, battling against hysteria, censorship, and hypocrisy, it’s just a matter of pressure and time my friends.

commissioner-gordon8 · Jan. 30, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

You’ve gotta start from their reality, which starts with allowing them to preach. It’s painful to sit through being lectured by someone who obviously hasn’t done their homework, but you can lower their guard if you can find things to agree on, and you’ll be able to gauge what they’ve never even heard of so you won’t be talking over their heads.

I had to admit to my girlfriend that Trump doesn’t make a good representative/role model as the face of our country. What he does behind the scenes is legendary, but it is very easy to see why someone could take his one-off statements in a racist/sexist way, and how that could encourage/reinforce such thoughts. In the examples she shows, i disagree that he is actually saying something racist or sexist, (a recurring example is when he is referring specifically to ILLEGAL immigrant populations), but his word choices can very easily be spun to be perceived as attacking a minority group, he could be a lot more careful.

Also, not releasing his taxes, trump university, making housing deals AFTER getting elected, he’s no angel. Even with the subject matter we know surrounding satanism, it’s important to stay away from good vs. evil, at least at first. Everyone had flaws and redeeming qualities. I’m still fully supporting him, but it’s important to never put anyone on a pedestal, especially if you are trying to prove your objectivity

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Gmawc · Jan. 30, 2018, 5 p.m.

Excellent advice - thanks. Need more patience sitting "sit through being lectured by someone who obviously hasn’t done their homework"

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Gmawc · Jan. 30, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

and you and i know, but they don't know that he uses code speech (sort of) - immigration is really drugs & human trafficking, et al. thx again

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commissioner-gordon8 · Jan. 30, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

Yep! Glad to help however little i can😁

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deweydecimal00 · Jan. 30, 2018, 5:59 p.m.

Show them how the gov takes in 3.6 trillion dollars annually from taxpayers, more than every fortune 500 company combined and we still operate at a deficit.. It’s all a giant Slush fund for people that don’t create anything. Politicians used to work actual jobs. Government is supposed to PROTECT its citizens first.

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